The KPattz world is pretty dead.
Well...not the Kristen hate
Of course...
What better thing to do with your life
than hate on some teenager that you don't know?
But anyway.
I was sent these pictures yesterday...
Someone told me that Kristen was wearing Rob's
shirts from the New Moon poster!
OK... I kid, I kid.
So here is our dear Kristen
getting back to L.A.
Note the shirt and black t-shirt
under her jacket...
And now look at the shirt/t-shirt that
Robert is wearing in the NM picture...
(and let's ignore the little black box...)
SUPPOSEDLY those are the same shirts.
So SUPPOSEDLY Kristen is wearing Rob's clothes...
Or something like that.
I'm all for the dreamy Rob/Kristen romance...
I really am...
But I also like to think I'm kinda... logical.
maybe that's just my warped perception of myself...
But hell.. this is my blog after all!
Rob is like 6'1... right?
And although Kristen's bio says she is 5'6-5'7
I have to say she is closer to 5'4... maybe 5'5
Not that a couple of inches makes much difference.
It would lead me to believe...
That Rob's shirt would hang down to mid thigh
at best on her.
She's tiny.
The t-shirt I can see... because she twists
and tucks and ties that shit up.
But unless Rob shrunk his shirt
in the washer machine (heh)
Which is entirely possible...
I have a hard time believing that is the same shirt.
Another EW outtake.
There is NO SUCH THING as an outtake
when it comes to Robert Pattinson.
The man is glorious in all his gloriousness.
And that's probably not a word...
but it works... right?
Look at what he has on his wrist!
The Super Secret Strip of Shoestring
that tells the world that
Robert is in love with Kristen!
And yes...
I'm being FACETIOUS.
And that is a fucking word!
We don't need no stinking shoelaces.
It's pretty damn obvious
to everyone who has normal sane rational vision...
That Robert and Kristen are in a relationship.
There is no need to prove anything.
There is no proving here.
Let the Nonsten/Hatestens keep yelling
about the need for 'proof'
It gives them something to live for do
with all their spare time.
Just because.
I love him.
Bye for now.
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