Sunday, January 3, 2010

10 Things That Annoy Me About "Robsten"

Only 10?
I'm sure I can come up with a lot more.
A. Lot. More.
But... Let's just see what comes off
the top of my flat head, shall we?

1. Well... for starters...
I hate the name ROBSTEN.
I know I said it before...
I know I said I wasn't going to use it...
But dammit to hell...
That little fucker is out there...
And I can't get rid of it.
Why do they have to have a name?
I've always hated all the cutesy names
they have for celebrity couples.

2. Michael Angarano...
Fuck it...
The guy has been vaulted to Sainthood
by the legions of people out there.
The guy had 5 years with Kristen...
No one...
Let me repeat...
NO ONE knows why they broke up...
Or even when.
It's all speculation.
And "poor Michael.
He's been a rock through this whole thing.
Kristen cheated on him.
Rob is just her rebound guy."
Rob is a rebound from Oregano?
Are you fucking KIDDING me?
Robert Pattinson.
The ultimate in dreamy?
The most beautiful man on the planet?
That Robert Pattinson?
Surely you jest.
Besides, someone you start 'dating'
when you are 14 usually
runs it course... ya know?

Which brings us to #3

3.  "Rob and Kristen are both so young...
Their relationship will never last."
Maybe not.
But needless to say
(but I'm going to say it anyway)
Some relationships DO last.
I'm living proof of that very fact.
I started dating my husband when I was 18.
We've been together for a long time.
You never fucking know.

4.  "Rob and Kristen are fuck-buddies"
This one kills me.
Some people are SO against a
relationship between Rob and Kristen...
That they will 'allow' them to be fuck-buddies
but nothing more.
Is it so damn awful that Rob and Kristen care
about each other and want to spend time together?
It's OK for them to just hook up and have sex...
As long as they aren't really together...

5. "Why don't Rob and Kristen just admit
that they are together? The lying and secrecy
is making them look like idiots"
Admit to who?
I'm thinking that anyone that is important in their life...
Like say... family and friends...
Know exactly what is going on.
And who are they lying to?
They get asked about each other...
They say 'we are good friends'...
Aren't they?
Do you really expect them to come out 
and say...
And better yet...
Why should they?
To satisfy some lunatic fan-base
who feels they are entitled to know
every intimate detail?
I think they are right in protecting...
What is THEIRS.
Not ours.
And most definitely 

6.  Generalizations.
Hate them.
All people who like the idea
of Robert and Kristen 
as a couple...
aren't delusional idiots 
who only see Edward/Bella.
All  people who hate the idea
of Robert and Kristen 
as a couple...
aren't bitter harpies...
who can't stand Kristen. 
(or are they?)
No... you get what I mean.
I'm aware of a good many 'Nonstens'
(and yes, I fucking hate that word, too)
who are sane, rational people...
who may not like Robert and Kristen together...
But carry on with their lives.
And I know there are people who love Robsten
who screech "DIE!" when Rob shows
up anywhere with anyone other than Kristen.
I've looked at Robsten/Nonsten
from both sides now...
and there are fucking lunatics on both sides.
And don't lump everyone together.
How fucking insulting.

7. Know-it-alls.
They act like they have access
to what Rob/Kristen are thinking.
"Well, I KNOW Kristen wears the pants
in their relationship"
"Kristen has no friends outside of Twilight"
Well... you get my point.
They don't know.
They think.
Maybe they don't think.
That makes more sense.

8.People who want harm to come to 
Robert and Kristen
Because they don't say/do/behave
the way you want them to.
I've heard people threaten Kristen's well being.
I mean...
going so far as to say they will 
'beat her up'
if they ever come across her in person.
And of course the people
who wished death on Rob for going to 
a birthday party without Kristen.
A bit extreme?
Beyond normal and rational?
Yes. Yes. And Yes.

9. I hate that Kristen gets the brunt of 
anger and insults in this deal.
Everything she does gets scrutinized
and analyzed and picked apart.
And no matter what she does...
In some peoples eyes...
It's never good enough.
Some people just love to hate her.
For no other reason then her close proximity
to Robert Pattinson.
Kristen can't win...
no matter what she does.
She's in the UK with Robert.

10. The constant 'fight'
about Rob and Kristen
being together or not.
It's so tiresome.
Let's just say...
You can believe what you want to believe...
And I will just believe the Truth.

Bye for now.

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