Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kristen Stepped Out... With Robert.

I was going to do my best of 2009

I'm surrounded by delusion.
Bitter rationalizations.
Silly excuses.

Should I even write about it?
I don't know.
Does it even matter?
Most definitely not.
But I guess one more post
pointing out just how extreme
some people can be...
And let me get this straight right here and now.
It's not just Nonstens, 
It's Robstens, And IDontGiveaShitStens.
Lunatics are everywhere.

I have to pull in some of the good excuses...

that I have read on Twitter...
Other blogs...
and those that were sent to me
by people who read my blog...
The rationalizations to explain away
the pics of Robert and Kristen
In England.


1. "That's NOT Kristen! I magnified that picture
on my computer software...
And her face was photo-shopped on the pic!"

2. "That picture was taken LAST year
when they were promoting Twilight."

3. "That picture was taken in Nov when they were
promoting New Moon"

4. "Kristen doesn't have any friends...
so she probably flew to England to spend NYE
with Rob. I visit friends in other countries 
ALL the time. Doesn't mean we are in love"

5. "Are we sure these pics were taken in England?
I think the backgrounds were photoshopped
to look like it."

6. "Who cares if they are together in the UK?
They aren't even together in the pictures."

7. "Rob looks so unhappy.
You know Kristen is such a bitch.
She probably forced an invitation."

8. "Big deal. It's just another (out of many)
picture that Robstens are clinging to.
It doesn't prove anything"

You get the point.
It doesn't matter anymore.
It's done.
It's over.
 The thing is...
BEFORE Kristen was spotted in England with Rob...
People were all about...
"I wish she would just step out in LA 
and put this #LondonStew bullshit to rest"
and guess what?
She fucking stepped.
And it wasn't a Pap pic
and it wasn't work related...
It was a little girl who wanted her picture
taken with Edward and Bella...
And does it prove that Robert 
is in love with Kristen?
I can't speak for how they feel.
But they must want to be together.
Because they are.
That speaks for itself.

Bye for now

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