OK... here we go again.
Another 'leaked' picture from IoW.
Let's face it... it's shitty.
Blurry... The sun is blasting in it...
It was said that this is a picture of Rob/Kristen
and that they are holding hands.
It was supposedly taken from someones facebook page...
You know...
It was a friend's sister's cousin who knows the guy down
the street who is related to someone who is friends
with Robert Pattinson.
You get my drift.
My honest take of the picture?
1. It's shitty.
2. That definitely looks like Kristen from behind.
3. Rob? Not so sure. It could be him...
It probably is him...
who else would Kristen be next to?
But like the haters like to point out...
It's just a 'moment in time'
The next frame could very well convince me it's our guy.
And man... the haters were out in full force last night.
They were dissecting every molecule of that picture.
"Those are NOT Rob's shoes."
"Rob is taller... and thinner"
"They aren't holding hands!"
"Kristen is a lesbian!!!"
Again... you know how it goes.
I don't need another picture of
Robert and Kristen holding hands...
We've got this one.
Crystal clear.
No doubt who is in this picture.
And while the haters will of course
say that "they aren't holding hands"
We all know that they are.
And they look deliriously happy doing so.
And although I've believed in Robert/Kristen
for a long (long... did I say LONG) time...
And although there has been picture after picture
of Robert and Kristen...
As soon as Kristen stepped off that plane in England...
And as soon as it was known to the world
that Robert and Kristen were
TOGETHER again...
It should have silenced all critics.
But of course...
That will NEVER happen.
So the microscopes are out...
The magnifying glasses are in hand...
And the haters are trying so hard
to find some flaw in the pictures.
Trying to find solace in some obscure pixel...
And I say...
Who cares.
You don't have to like Kristen Stewart.
And I almost understand the need for you
to rationalize the pictures
and how hard it must be for you to accept
that Robert and Kristen are in a relationship.
And I realize that you will continue to make excuses
to why they are always in the same place...
at the same time.
But every time a picture comes out...
How many times can you throw out the
"Kristen is a bitch"
"They are only FWB"
"Kristen has no friends so she hangs out with Robs"
Yada Yada Yada
When does it start to ring hollow and false?
You don't have to like Kristen Stewart.
But do you like Robert Pattinson?
Because SHE is who he chooses to be with...
No matter the excuses.
No matter the rationalizations.
Kristen IS with Robert.
And it's because they want to be
No excuses.
No twisted rationalizations
can change that.
Bye for now.
*And please don't start in and say
"Leave them alone"
I'm just giving my opinion of what
I see online.
That's what I do here*
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