Friday, January 22, 2010

Robert Pattinson- You Know Its True.

Hope for Haiti.
Please watch.
Please help.
Please look at Robert Pattinson.
Because we haven't seen him in a while...
and we've missed him.
A. Lot.

I've been going through my emails.
The links and videos and pictures
that people send me.
And I have a couple of interesting emails I would like to share.

To whom it may concern:
Your blog is a joke. You are a joke. You don't get it, do you? 
Rob and the bitch aren't really together. 
Why must you keep trying to convince everyone that they are?
You are a crazy bitch with no life. 
You do realize that the whole relationship
that you are so sure of is fake.
Summit and their management had them sign
an agreement that they would 
pretend to be together for the duration of the movies.
That's all it is. So stop with the constant pushing 
of Rob and the mullet. It's not happening.

Dear Clown,
I'm not trying to convince anyone... of anything.
I don't need to.
It's all right there in front of you.
Do you honestly believe that Robert and Kristen are hanging out
ALL the time because of some PR stunt?
That is really a bit above and beyond, taking one for the team...
Don't you think?
Oh wait. Nevermind.
It's obvious you don't think.

Dear Rose,
I just wanted to say that its nice to read a sane, 
rational blog about Rob and Kristen.
Thank you for saying what so many people think.
Everytime I come here to read your blog 
you always make me smile and shake my head in agreement. 
You always seem to know exactly how I feel about things.
Thank you for sticking up for Kristen, too. 
She doesn't deserve all the hate and anger 
that is written about her everyday.
Love you and your blog!
-Robsten Lover

Dear RL,
What else can I say but thank you? 
It is very kind and absolutely flattering
that you relate to the words that I write. 
I love hearing from people who 
feel the same way that I do... 
it's nice to know that you aren't alone!
Thank you. Thank you.

Every time I come to your silly blog, 
I am more and more amazed at the stupidity of it.
I can't believe you actually are fooling 
some of the people who read your crap. 
I suppose you are one of those mindless sheep
who follow that Delaney and believe every word she says.
How stupid are you people? She doesn't know anything.
I know as much as she does. 
You all are so desperate to believe that
Rob and Kristen are together that you will stupidly
listen to any bullshit as long as it is what you want to believe. 
You are fools.
Rob would never really want to be with
someone as ugly and bitchy as Kristen.
Kristen is only using Rob to further her career.
It's obvious that no one cares about her
unless her name is attached to his. 
Rob is only being nice to his friend and helping her out.
Stop being so stupid. You look like an idiot.

Dear Delusional,
This is one of the most hateful emails I've ever received.
I don't even know where to begin.

1. If you despise me so strongly... 
why do you come here and read my blog?
I truly don't understand why you would do something that
obviously causes you such anger and resentment.

2. Again... I'm not 'fooling' anyone.
I just give my point of view.
My opinion. 
Take it or leave it
(I'd prefer you leave it)
Some of what I say must hit a nerve...
or resonate with some obvious truth...
or it wouldn't upset you deeply.

3. I have read what Delaney has to say.
I have read what a lot of people have to say.
Do I follow blindly? No.
Do I take EVERYthing I read with a grain of salt? Of course.
But Delaney isn't hurting anyone...
I don't see her hating and assaulting you.

You on the other hand are in attack mode.
I've seen a site that has a thread JUST for her.
Pages and pages of posts 
JUST to attack and make fun of her.
What does that tell me?
They are threatened by everything she does.
They claim to dismiss what she has to say...
But yet, they have a 'spy' join her locked forum...
to keep track of her every word.

Why do you care what she has to say...
Unless you are worried that it's true?

4. Someone mentioned this in the comments
the other day...
The pictures of Rob and Kristen in the limo.
I thought I would bring it up again...
Well.. cuz I want to.
Take a look...

The BEFORE picture.
This is when Rob/Kristen were leaving somewhere
(details escape me at the moment)
and the limo driver got them to get in his car...
and proceeded to let the Paps take their pictures
(with their legs wrapped around each other...)
Notice Rob's hair...

The AFTER picture.
Rob's hair is definitely 'mussed' up.
We have all seen how Kristen likes to put her hands
in Rob's hair when she kisses him
(Look... its in the movies...)
Looks like they got their KISS on in the limo...
And no, Haters...
Rob didn't stick his head out the window.
Just another in a long line of 
"You know it's true."

Bye for now.

*If you don't know the meaning of sarcasm, 
and don't possess a sense of humor...
You won't get it.
I almost feel sorry for you.*

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