Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Nonstens Grimm Fairy Tales

What to say.

1. I could talk about how the excuses concerning Rob and Kristen
being together are still flying fast and furious.
The pictures don't need defending.
None of them do.
There is no need to have the last word as far as
Robert and Kristen are concerned.
Robert and Kristen are together.
They have been for a while now.
Picture after picture comes out...
Showing them cuddling at concerts...
Legs wrapped around each other in limos...
Sharing a hotel balcony...
Saying goodbye before Rob goes to NYC...
Hanging out backstage at concerts...
Holding hands in Paris...
Showing up together...
After weeks and weeks of hiding...
in the UK.
Why even bother debating this?
The haters have to grasp onto something...
to deny Rob and Kristen.
Let them.
Truth is truth.

2. The "Eclipse" script was supposedly leaked.
It had JACKSON RATHBONE in bold letters on every page.
Is it real? Who knows.
Does it really matter? Not really.
And I don't get the whole "Don't Spoil It For Me" stuff...
Have you read the book?
Then you know what's in the script.
Eclipse has always been my favorite book...
And I can't wait to see this movie.
And I hope I'm in NYC when I do.

3. People send me 'Nonsten' stuff all the time.
Personally, I have stopped going to other sites
and reading the negative bullshit.
But when it is sent to me, I read it...
My first reaction of course, is to laugh.
The rationalizations some people come up with.
They should write Fairy Tales...
Hans Nonsten Andersen.
The Nonstens Grimm (That one fits... yes?)
And I really don't give a shit if someone
believes in Rob/Kristen...
Because I do.
But what does irritate me is when they
feel the need to constantly trash Kristen.
I mean... they fucking tear her apart.
They take every word she has said...
Twist it and turn it to suit their perverted needs..
and you wonder why she doesn't want to talk
about her relationship with Robert?
It doesn't matter what she says.

She is trying to keep something.
She doesn't owe us anything.
You don't have to like Kristen Stewart.
But to vilify and hate her so strongly?
That's just fucking wrong.
And you know it.

4. I realize that I have talked about some
of these topics before...
and I will undoubtedly discuss them again.
That's what happens during a Rob Drought.
You reminisce...
You daydream...
You talk about whatever comes to mind.
And theres only so much I can say
about the fairy tales and fables
that The Nonstens Grimm can come up with.
I mean...
It makes for interesting reading...
At first.
But all their fables seem to have the same ending...
And that gets pretty boring and tedious.
No imagination.
No creativity...
and no originality.
I suppose they make for good bedtime stories...
Because they can really put you to sleep.

5. Bye for now.

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