Friday, January 29, 2010

Rose Rants. I Care About Rob and Kristen.

I'm having one of those days.
You know the kind...
Where everything and everyone just bugs
the living hell outta you.
(I use living hell a lot...
I was going to write living piss...
but really? Living piss?)
I'm in a mood.
And I'm just going to comment
on what is bugging me.

Rob looks like he needs a hug...

Rose Rant #1

Haters that cling to 
"Rob and Kristen have denied being in 
a relationship over and over again.
But the 'shippers' just ignore it"
Tell me...
When was the last fucking time 
Rob or Kristen denied anything?
And saying "He's a good friend"
isn't denying anything.
The following 2 quotes seem to be the biggest clings.
You actually have to go back to Dec 2008
when Rob said..
“They’re so ridiculous at the film company,” he says. 
“They keep refusing to deny it. 
They just say, ‘No comment.’ 
And we’re like, ‘We’re not.’ ” 
That was OVER a year ago, people.
And I'm pretty sure Kristen was still with
our beloved shorty spice... Oregano.

Or when Kristen said in Feb 2009
“It’s just totally false… Rob and I are good friends. 
We went through a lot together, so we feel very close. 
But if we go out in public, every little detail is scrutinized,
like the way I stand next to him.
And it’s like, I know this guy really fucking well [laughs]. 
It’s only natural that we’re sort of leaning on each other,
because we’re put in the most fucking psychotic situations.”
Again. Almost a year ago.
And Kristen was still with Michael.
What is she supposed to say?

Let's just say that its been MONTHS (and months)
since either one of them has commented
on their relationship.
Both of them have been sidestepping the whole issue.
All the while showing up all over the world...
Actions speak louder than words.


Naturally Gorgeous.

Rose Rant #2
So much Kristen hate.
I get that you don't like her.
You have that right.
But the hate?
EVERYthing she does is criticized.
If she donates money... it's not enough.
If she does fundraisers... she doesn't stay long.
If anyone is interested in her... its cuz of Rob.
If people say positive things about her...
Her PR paid them off.
And the Haters say that her age isn't an excuse
for her behavior.
But the thing is...
She is a teenager.
And she might be awkward sometimes...
And not completely polished and perfect...
And maybe she says 'like' too many times in a sentence.
Is that reason to constantly belittle her?
Because the truth is...
When she was dating Michael...
Those things didn't bother you.
And now that she is with Rob?
(and you know she is...)
EVERYTHING about her bothers you.
I don't even have to say the word.
You know what it is you are feeling.
(It starts with J and rhymes with bell-us)

I'm SO looking forward to this movie!!

Rose Rant #3

All the people out there...
That say...
"I Don't Care!"
"I Don't Give a Shit!"
And then proceed to spend every minute
of every fucking day...
Trying to convince everyone how much
They don't care so much about someone
who may have 'insider' information...
That they join her locked forum...
They follow her every word on Twitter...
They HAVE to know what she is saying...
They analyze every word!
And they don't CARE whether
Robert and Kristen are together...
But they keep telling themselves...
and anyone who will listen
That their relationship doesn't exist...
They look at every pixel of every picture
Scrutinize every interview
Every word that is written...
Just to prove that...

Guess what?
You fucking care.
Bye for now.
*I was going to say this post wasn't
about you. But you know what?
It probably is.*

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