Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Robert Pattinson is Beautiful in Black and White.

Random Rose:

1. There was some snippet of some guy...
(Can I get more fucking vague?
Why, yes... Yes I can!)
Talking about why so many
women felt a connection
to the Twilight Books and Movies.
He said...
"These women are obviously
looking for something
that is lacking and/or missing
from their relationships."

Yeah... B happened to be sitting with me.
And yeah, I looked over at him
when the guy said it...
And yeah, B looked over at me...
And yeah... he kinda grimaced at me.

B is a good husband.
B has a wonderful, witty,
snarky sense of humor...
He's a good father to our boys...
He's good. Period.
I love B. I will always love B.
I don't think there is anything 'lacking'
in our relationship...
But now B will probably think about stuff...
a little more than he normally would have.

And come on...
B really has NO fucking idea
just how far gone I really am.
If he did?
He wouldn't have just grimaced...
He would seek help for me.

And then I get to thinking...
Is there any truth to that vague snippet?
I don't think there is anything missing
in my marriage.
Except the fact that B isn't Edward...
(And that begs the question... who is?)
But Edward is just a fantasy.
I know he doesn't exist.
I don't go about my daily life
in hopes of finding him.

And all that being said...
If Robert Pattinson...
Who has embodied Edward fucking Cullen...
showed up at my door tomorrow?
Would I run off to be with him?
You got that fucking right :)
(Sorry, B... but truth is fucking truth...)

2. It's all moot, anyway.
Robert isn't knocking on anyone's door anymore.
Except for Kristen's.
Rob was patient.
Rob knew what he wanted.
He's finally gotten what he has coveted...
And Kristen and Rob...
deserve EVERY happiness.

I just hope that they are going to London...
Then Rob would be in the city he loves...
With the woman he loves.
Can't ask for much more than that.
Well, I can...
But I won't.
(Ask me again in 5 minutes...
I might ask for more...)

3. I'm not sure why I keep numbering my posts.
There really is no point.
I just kinda do it.
Oh yeah...
B/W pics of Robert
are quite possibly my faves.
I'm going to post the ones I have
over the next few days.

Bye for now.

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