Dear Kristen...
I'm lost.
You're gone. He's gone.
It's like a huge hole has been punched into my chest...
So I went to see New Moon again
(you can tell, can't you?)
Watching you and Rob onscreen fills the hole in my chest...
for a little while.
4 scenes still make me cry.
The break up scene... of course.
That will never stop ripping my heart in two...
The scene in the rain with Jake.
You are brilliant.
The scene with the Volturi...
"Kill me... Kill me..."
Shit. I lose it.
And of course...
The Jake goodbye...
with "It's ALWAYS been him".
Did I already say brilliant?
Good. You are.

Dear Kristen...
I'm sorry to say that the HATE
is still going strong.
I know you don't need my protection.
You are fierce and strong.
But I can't help defending you.
Some people will find any excuse to slam you.
But we both know the real reason
is because of Robert.
The haters would rather Rob be with ANYone
other than you.
(at least that's what they say...
I'm guessing if Rob started dating someone else...
they would start hating on her, too)
But now they are all about Uma Thurman.
I know... right?

There was another regurgitated interview with Rob...
Gossips and magazines will print anything
in hopes of boosting sales and online hits.
And of course, the haters will grab onto any dismissal
of the relationship you have with Robert.
Both you and Rob have said you don't
want to discuss your relationship.
People are claiming you are.
Same shit, different day.
I can't imagine how tedious it is for you.
I hope you and Robert at least
get some laughs out of all the bullshit.

Dear Kristen...
This is one of my fave pics of you and Rob.
It's so intimate to me.
You clinging to Rob's hand...
And the smile on Rob's face...
I hope that you both can reenact that picture very soon.
And that this trip to London...
Rob will be able to show you around...
and you can spend the holidays with his family.
Even though I miss you both...
I hope that you find peace this holiday season.
Please give Rob my best.
(and maybe a hug)
Until next time.
Bye for now.
This is one of my fave pics of you and Rob.
It's so intimate to me.
You clinging to Rob's hand...
And the smile on Rob's face...
I hope that you both can reenact that picture very soon.
And that this trip to London...
Rob will be able to show you around...
and you can spend the holidays with his family.
Even though I miss you both...
I hope that you find peace this holiday season.
Please give Rob my best.
(and maybe a hug)
Until next time.
Bye for now.
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