Saturday, December 5, 2009

Random Rose and Robert

Random Thoughts.

1. So I guess there are some shitty Pap pics out there
intruding into Rob's life.
I haven't seen them. I don't want to see them.
I've made my feelings very clear
on what I think of these people.
Don't fucking tell me they are only
doing their motherfucking job.
Complete Bullshit.
No one.
Should have to deal with that...
I don't give a shit how much money they make...
or how 'famous' they are...
I don't want to hear that it's
'part of the job'.
Fuck that shit.
You do not...
You DO NOT treat another
human being the way that Paps
are allowed to treat Robert Pattinson.


2. Great way to start the day...
Being all angry and upset.
Being all heartbroken and protective
for Robert.
Sometimes I don't even want to be connected
to this whole Twilight bullshit.
There is so much negativity surrounding it.
It's hard to deal with.
I love you...
Be safe.

3. I watched New Moon.
Yes. Again.
It's hard for me to deny myself
watching Robert strut over to Kristen...
It's still my favorite part of the movie.
Everything about it is perfection.
But I think the shy smile at the end...
gets me every time.
I still get a bit teary at parts...
but I found that I get emotional at
Bella/Jacob parts as much as Bella/Edward parts.
Interesting... Yes?
I think Taylor Lautner did a helluva job.
And the last scene with him?
One of my faves as well...
Kristen and Taylor fucking rocked it.
I believed it.
But the lines...
They make me cry...
"Don't make me choose...
Because it will be him...
It's ALWAYS been him."
Pretty much the whole storyline of
the Twilight Saga.
I felt sorry.
I felt bad for Jacob.
And I don't remember feeling like that
when I read the book.

4. I'm floored that people were so upset
over my post about Michael Oregano.
I thought I was being nice.
Sarcastically nice.
Ah well...

If there is one thing I have learned
this past week?
You cannot live up to other peoples
expectations of who they think you are.
What you see...
is what you get.

It's all right now.
I've learned my lesson well...
You see you can't please everyone...
So you got to please yourself.

Bye for now.

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