Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rob and Kristen Don't Need Us.

I'm not in a good mood.
I apologize in advance.

Sometimes the negative Rob/Kristen stuff gets to me...
What can I say?
I try really hard to not let the bullshit affect me...
I really do...
But I've received many emails...
from people who either don't really read my blog...
or just want to stir the shit.

These people HATE Kristen.
HATE her.
And that fucking boggles my mind.
She's 19 years old.
They are saying they hate this teenage girl...
and for what?
Her close proximity to Robert Pattinson.
Fucking ridiculous.

I don't understand the extreme behavior...
on both sides of the "Robsten" debate.
I don't get why people have to go to such lengths...
to prove their fucking point.
People go back and forth...
over and over again...
It's endless.
It's tedious.

Same bullshit.
Different fucking day.

No matter where Rob and Kristen are in their relationship...
Nothing anyone says or does...
will affect it.
We aren't involved.
We don't have a say.
We are spectators...
yelling from the sidelines.

And they can't hear us.
They don't even know we are there.
And I'm glad.

Bye for now.

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