Sunday, December 27, 2009

Robsten/StewPattz Pic of the Year.

E Online's Most Memorable Photo(s) of 2009

I agree.
When it comes to Entertainment Pics...
Rob and Kris holding hands wins.

1. Because the reaction was so huge.
It was rocking the internet for days.
In fact...
It still is.
Are there more important pictures out there?
Of course there are.
But as far as impact...
in "entertainment"
This is it.

2. I'll be honest.
The topic of Rob/Kristen
sometimes gets tedious.
It's not Rob and Kristen...
It's all the bullshit surrounding them.
There are times that I just want to
look at Robert...
talk about his upcoming movies...
maybe discuss how completely adorakable he is...
and that gets swallowed whole
by Robsten.

3. There are a lot of rumors right now.
A lot.
The best ones put out by the people
who don't believe Rob/Kristen are a couple?

"Rob and Kristen broke up.
She couldn't stand his drinking.
They argued over where to spend Christmas.
(and the best one...)
Rob hates Kristen's cats."

First off...
So you are saying they WERE a couple...
and now have broken up?
make up your lameass minds.
You can't say they were NEVER together...
and then spew bullshit about them breaking up.

And secondly...
Those have to be the most pathetic excuses
for a break up I've ever read.
Please go back and work on that some more.

4. Of course...
The thinnest thread that Hatestens cling to?
No pictures.
No proof.
And although I sometimes would love to see
a picture of Robert and/or Kristen...
I don't need it to validate anything.
Robert and Kristen have obviously
gotten quite good at not being photographed
whether together or apart.
(applause! applause!)
Robert made it to London unseen?
Does that mean he's not there?
In fact...
Since there hasn't been a picture of Kristen
for weeks...
Does she not exist?
According to Hatesten theory...
She doesn't.
No picture. No proof.
No existence.
Everything has to be caught on film
to be real.
And even when it is caught on film
(look at above pictures please)
Those pictures are called staged...
picked apart as to what Kristen is 'holding'
(its not his hand!!! NO!)
Even when it's right in front of you...
They dismiss it.

Which brings us back to these pictures.
Most memorable of the year.
Because it shows the intimacy between
Robert and Kristen.
No, she's not grasping his fingers...
but she is holding on to his hand...
And they both look relaxed and happy...
and it looks...
Like its something that happens all the time.
And you don't just walk that closely next to someone...
and touch him so intimately...
Unless you want to be as close as possible.
And Rob's face.
Robert's smile says it all.

So yeah...
Most memorable of the year.
And it's been a helluva year, hasn't it?
I cannot wait to see
What 2010 has in store for
Robert and Kristen.
And for us.

Bye for now.

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