I'm not quite sure what to post today...
Usually I just sit down
Read through my email
See what is happening on Twitter
And then just write down my thoughts.
But lately...
It seems that I can't do that without ruffling some feathers
I'm actually OK with that.
Someone is always unhappy with what I have to say.
Maybe what I write about isn't always 'drama' free
but that is the nature of this beast right now.
I just write what I feel.
It's not my intention to offend anyone...
I just call it like I see it.
You know my motto...
"If the shoe fucking fits... slide that bitch on"
First it was...
"Your blog is Robert Pattinson Intoxication!
Why don't you go back to talking about Rob?"
Well.. I do talk about Rob.
Every damn day.
Yes, my posts have changed over the years
(and wouldn't it be strange if they didn't?)
I started out just gushing endlessly about Robert...
Going into great detail about my obsession.
Trying to understand it.
I'm pretty sure I still don't understand it...
(I'm still here after all)
But I seem to have gotten it under some sort of control
And seriously...
How many posts can I write where I just lavish
massive amounts of praise on Robert?
I love and adore the man.
I still do.
And so it's been written...
And so it's been done.
I write a lot more about Kristen now.
I'm pretty sure I love and adore her, too...
And I guess some Rob fans don't want to read about her.
So sad.
Too bad.
Now some will say that I only like Kristen because she's with Robert.
I know that's not true.
I find Kristen interesting...
I love reading about her.
I love watching her movies
And if there ever comes a day where her name
isn't linked 24/7 to Rob's...
I will still be a fan.
I love Robert and Kristen.
Together... or apart.
I'm going to just write what I'm thinking about.
What I'm interested in...
And right now it's the airport pictures of Rob and Kristen.
So much to say...
First off...
Rob and Kris... are still together.
I'm thinking that Robert hasn't left her side
(not counting when she was working, of course)
Since he got to Montreal.
I think the fucking gloves are off now.
Maybe the whole Malibu paparazzi thing was the final straw...
Who knows.
But I think Robert has decided to do what he wants...
and let the chips fall where they may.
Robert has had enough.
He is staying by Kristen's side.
He will take care of her.
Does this mean Kristen is weak?
Not even.
But look at her...
She's a tiny little thing.
When you have 20 assholes chasing you with cameras
shouting at you...
shoving their cameras in your face...
Why wouldn't he take care of his girl?
Why would he ever leave her side?
Why would people expect Rob and Kris to smile
and hold hands skipping through the airport?
I read "Oh they look so miserable together as always"
Because watching 2 people get harassed and stalked through
an airport isn't really a barometer on how they 'look'
when they are together.
^ I think this is more like it...
And then someone says to me...
"Rob and Kristen are just doing this for attention!"
Rob and Kristen don't have to do anything for attention.
They step out of their house
(Did I say THEIR house? nudge nudge)
And there are cameras in their faces.
You can't tell me you think they ENJOY being stalked
by photographers...
If I ever saw 2 people who didn't enjoy attention...
it is Robert and Kristen.
(Anti PR... by the way)
I sense a lot of anger in Twilight land.
Well, only small factions.
The lunatic fringe, if you will.
People are pissed off at Rob and Kristen...
"They are getting what they deserve!"
"You made your bed, now lie in it!!"
"Rob is ruining his career! What is he thinking?"
Doesn't anyone else just see two people...
Who have fallen in love
Who just want to be together?
Aren't they allowed to live their lives
and be with who they want to be with...
Without getting scolded by people
who think they know better?
I've never been one to throw around
"Get a life" bullshit.
Way overplayed... way overdone
Because obviously, if I am breathing, I have one.
But seriously.
Don't worry so much about how Rob and Kristen
are handling their relationship.
Don't get so bitter and angry about them walking
through a damn airport.
They don't give a shit about what you or I think.
Rob and Kristen have a 'life'
Let's leave it up to them to live it... shall we?
For some strange, odd reason...
This picture really hit home for me.
I like it.
A lot.
It's just how I picture Robert and Kristen.
Side by side.
Plowing through the bullshit together.
They obviously want to be together.
And it is obvious.
Crystal clear.
I'm wondering if Robert won't just stay by her side
as much as he can now.
Unless he has other business...
I don't see him leaving her.
I just don't.
And yeah... that's just my opinion.
I just feel a shift in the air...
A change.
And I think Robert and Kristen are only at the beginning
of what is to come.
I just HAD to get this one in there.
So final thoughts.
1. Please do not use the NON***n word
in the comments anymore...
They are obsolete now.
It was never about not believing Rob/Kristen were together.
It was always just an excuse to hate.
Let's never speak of them again.
(Maybe they will just disappear!)
2. Fucking give Kristen a break for flipping off the paps.
They're not gonna yell at them.
They're not going to punch them.
They have to just fucking take their shit
through the whole damn airport...
Let the girl flip the fuckers off.
She's at least earned THAT much.
3. Rob and Kristen are together.
Get used to it.
They won't talk about it...
They don't have to.
But you're going to see...
Oh yes.
You will see.
It's been a helluva summer, hasn't it?
This post has been brought to you by the letters *R* and K*
For Robert and Kristen
may they find some peace and quiet
in the eye of the hurricane.
Bye for now
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