Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kristen and Robert and Tom, Oh My!

This is what I see...

"I would love for Rob to show up in London right now
and SKIP Montreal!"


"If Rob does show up in Montreal, it's only because of Tom"

They got all the bases covered, don't they?
Well tell me then...

Just WHERE is Robert right now?
He hasn't been seen since Sunday night.
(You know the drill, no pics... no proof)
I wonder.

I guess he doesn't exist because he hasn't been spotted.
It's good to keep wanting him to show up in London...
Because he will be going there.
(The boy does love his Mom, after all)
After he spends some time with Kristen.
In Montreal.

I know people are upset that no pics of Rob have surfaced...
But there aren't pap pics of Kristen either.
She's been photographed by fans every time she's been seen.
And that's been what... Twice?
Will we see Rob in Montreal?
Who knows.
I'm guessing he will be leaving for London by the weekend

So the question remains...
Can Robert get in and out of Montreal
without being seen?
(Not counting FaceBook or Twitter sightings)
He's done it before

But I will be honest and would LOVE to see
a picture of Rob/Kris together... again.
It's been too long.

 *I miss her face*

And while the hyenas whine about people being 'upset' that
Tom is in Montreal with Kristen...
The only people I see that are scrambling for an explanation
have four legs, fleas and are covered in foam.

"Tom and Kristen dating is WAY more believable than Rob and Kristen"


Or does it just bother you that one of Rob's BEST friends
happens to love and accept Kristen has his friend, too?
You have to find SOME excuse for Tom to hang out with Kristen.

And lets not forget the desperate story that Rob is OUT of the Britpack now...
He had a falling out with them because of Kristen.
Or some such bullshit.
But then again...
Rob ONLY cares about Tom in Montreal...
Not Kristen.
See what Rabies does?

Can you spell DESPERATION?
I know it's a big word for a rabies addled brain...
But look it up...
Learn the definition...
They could put a picture of a hyena next to it.
Maybe that would help them to understand.

And for ANYONE to say that Rob looked happy at the TCA's?
He looked somber... and annoyed.
He looked like he didn't want to be there...
Sure he smiled a bit here and there...
But that is the 'happiest' he has been?

If you howl about it enough...
maybe it will make it true.

Well. Well. Well.
News just in as I was about to post this.
Tom IS in the movie ON THE ROAD with Kristen.
Looks like him and Kristen are bonding nicely...
And I'm sure Tom is the ONLY reason Robert would be
going to Montreal.
Keep telling yourself that.

Enough ranting on hyenas.
I'm just in a strange... angsty mood.

Do I believe Rob is in Montreal?
No Doubt in my mind.
Do I believe he went there just for Tom?
No fucking way.
Am I thrilled that Tom is working with Kristen?
I guess we all know where Rob will be when
he comes back from London...
Hanging out with his girl and his best friend...
How nice that they are working together...
makes it all the more easier... yes?

This post was brought to you by the letter *T*

For Trust.
Because it works both ways.
For Tom.
Because I like him and I'm glad he's working with Kristen.
For Tomorrow.
Because it is another day.
And last but not least...
because I'm going to be doing it all damn day.
Bye for now

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