Monday, August 23, 2010

RobSten, KrisBert... What's in a Word?


Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru de va om
Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world.

(John Lennon)

I've been thinking about words lately.
I love words.
So naturally my thoughts turned to the magical terms
used daily in the Twilight fandom.

So most of them are pretty damn lame...
as it usually is when you smash two words together
to try and come up with one cutesy name.
You know what I'm talking about...
Like Brangelina

Smushing Robert with Kristen.
Kristen is getting the raw end of this deal...
And although I'm not a fan of this type of name
(I usually type Rob/Kristen)
I use it on occasion because that's the word everyone goes to.

Of course...
There are other names in the fandom...

Here Kristen gets the lead... but barely.
It's kinda cute in a way...
You know...
Kristen Pattinson and all...
But don't get me started on all the marriage rumors out there.
They aren't married... COME ON.
Why do they have to be?

"Is it not enough, just to have a long and happy life with me?" 
Promises... Promises.

There is Krisbians...
Which I guess is Kristen/Lesbians?
Not sure...
It could mean that Krisbians are hot for Kristen.
They love her a lot.
I'm guessing here.

Well... that one never caught on...

Shippers is a popular term used all the time.
I never heard of the word until I became intoxicated with Robert.

People involved in shipping (or shippers) assert that the relationship does exist,
will exist, or simply that they would like it to exist.

I have no horse in the shipper race.
I don't get anything from Robert and Kristen being together.
I just think they are.
I don't substitute Edward/Bella for Robert/Kristen.
I think Rob and Kristen's chemistry is way hotter OFF screen.
So yeah...
I assert that the relationship DOES exist.
I don't NEED or WANT it...
That would be Robert and Kristen doing that.

Fine... let's talk about NON sten
(last time... I promise)
NONsense is what I like to call it...
But... Look at the word.
NON + Kristen
Which is what they are all about.
Hating Kristen Stewart.
They would like to pretend Kristen doesn't exist.
That Robert and Kristen aren't together.
That Robert and Kristen aren't somewhere
right the fuck NOW in each other's arms.
 I think it's more like...


But like I said long ago (and was reminded of recently)
If a hyena whines in the woods and no one hears it... does it make a sound?
They are lost in those woods.
Never to be seen or heard from again...

I only used the 'word' to make a point.
It is now erased from my vocabulary...
from Existence.
(Why am I reminded of Marty McFly?)

Robert and Kristen.
Whatever will be... Will be.
The future's not ours to see...

I know I harp on them finding 

Everyone deserves to find those things.
I think they have those moments.

I love that we haven't seen them since they got back to LA.
Love it.
I'm happy they have found peace.
And there you have it.
Love, Peace and Happiness.

And so it goes.

This post was brought to you by the letters *R* and *T*

R for Robsten
I don't like the word...
But I like what it implies.

Can't help myself.

Bye for now.

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