Friday, August 20, 2010

Rob + Kristen = Together

Life is good... yes?
I've been *Twiggling* non stop since Robert got to Montreal.
(For those of you wondering...
Twirl + Giggle = Twiggle)

Rob going to Kristen as soon as he was able to...
Rob snuggling and smiling with Kristen on the OTR set.
Rob and Kristen kissing in the dark...
Rob and Kristen showing up all over the place
Rob and Kristen leaving Montreal 
Rob and Kristen coming to LA

It's all kinds of Twiggly goodness.

Robert could wear this shirt
(This was sent to me... it's a manip... or is it?)
And it would get as much shit as this one...


There has been TONS of chatter about the 
"love shack" that Rob and Kristen supposedly have.
Pictures all over the fucking place.
I'm not inclined to post them here...
Although you can find them anywhere you look.
There has to be a line in the sand... you know?
There has to some things that are just off limits.
But that being said...
I completely believe that Rob and Kristen have a house together.
Who knows... maybe even more than one.
Think about it...
It is logical.
I know Robert has been quoted as saying that he
has stayed in '6 different hotels'

1. Hey, I'm sure he did stay in hotels during filming
of WFE... probably convenient at times.

2. The man has a pretty big guitar collection.
Do you think he wouldn't want to have a place
to hang his hat and strum his guitars?
I'm thinking... yes.

3. Rob talked about buying a house on Ellen
(Which I'm sure he regretted immediately)
Kristen was seen looking at houses while Rob was 
out of the country.

4. Do you really... REALLY think that Robert
would allude to going to his 'house' in interviews?
Don't you think he would rather people think he just was
living in hotels rooms?
And the night in Malibu...
When the fucking paps wouldn't leave the boy alone...
He was adamant about NOT being followed.
If he was living in a hotel...
Would it have been that big a deal?
Or was he protecting something...

Rob's car.
Pretty unique.
Just like him.
How cute are Rob and Tom?

The pics of Rob's and Kristen's house...
There was a couple pics of the driveway
(and I will talk about it... but not post the pics)
And in this driveway...
Was a Mini... much like the one Kristen drives.
And in the garage...
What looks like an old... 60s Nova type car.
A unique car.
But just another part of the equation.

Now, I'm not saying this house is indeed
Robert and Kristen's house at the moment.
Who knows.
Even if it was... I doubt it would be much good to them now.
But we would be foolish to think that 
Rob is laying his head on a hotel pillow while he is back in LA...
And that the pillow next to him doesn't have
the beautiful Kristen Stewart laying on it.

He went to Montreal to get her, after all...
I mean... seriously.
As soon as he could get to her
He did.
And he hasn't left her side since.
Rob didn't have to go to Montreal
If Kristen was coming to LA in a few days anyway...
Why not just wait to see her until then?
Oh yeah...
Because he WANTS to be with her.

Robert wants Kristen.
I guess that is hard to accept for some people.

I suppose they think that Rob should do what they want...
not what he wants.
He OWES them that much... right?
I mean... he's famous. 
Being told how to live your life is part of the deal.
They are ENTITLED to criticize and crucify Rob's private life...
Because they know what's best for Rob.
They know what he really wants.
They know how he should handle his career...
His relationships...
His life.

Totally love this picture.
Rob is obviously a softy when it comes to animals.
I appreciate that quality in people...
Especially deliciously handsome guys like Robert.

Where is Robert now?
Where is Kristen?
Pretty sure wherever they are...
They are together.
You know it's true.
They didn't go through all the airport bullshit
to just part ways once they got to LA.
And where does Kristen go next?
I've heard lots of different stories about OTR filming schedule...
So I guess we shall just have to see what comes.
My thoughts?
Montreal won't be the last time we see Rob hanging
with Kristen on the set of OTR.
And if he has major free time...
Where Kristen goes...
So will Robert.

This post was brought to you by the letters *A* and *E*

You will find peace.

Seriously some sad scary shit spewed.
(how's that for alliteration?)


Bye for now

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