Where Kristen goes...
Rob will follow.
SO MUCH BUZZ on Twitter last night.
Lots of Twirls.
Lots of Foam.
Lots of Laughter.
Lots of Denials.
In other words...
Same shit.
Different day.
Let's plow through this..
Rumor has it that Rob is in Montreal.
You know the hater mantra...
Unless of course there was a tweet saying he was in London.
Then it would be possible for him to get through
busy airports without being seen.
Not if he is going to Montreal.
Oh wait...
There WAS a tweet saying he was going to London.
Yeah really!
But don't worry about the missing time... or date...
They took that out for privacy?
Oh and...
The 'Like' being all uneven and weird?
Means nothing.
Rob is in LONDON!
You see how this works now, right?
They only need pictures for Rob to be with Kristen.
Remember that.
So then there were all kinds of tweets about Robert being in Montreal.
First @samdoud361
What would Robert Pattinson be doing in Montreal anyway--do they have vampires here?
To answer ?'s-yes, I' sure it was him. He had jeans, t-shirt and cap on. Was with one guy-may have been a bodyguard-I don't know
He was on the phone when he came on and when he left-he looked happier once he was leaving probably b/c he got to sleep.
This was posted yesterday morning sometime.
What makes this girl more believable is she supposedly spotted
Kristen on her flight a month ago...
She didn't actually see Robert herself...
She MISSED him.
That brings us to this tweet
From someone who is in the entertainment business?
Not sure the connection.
But people immediately believed this tweet...
Translated it says:
Have just seen Robert Pattisson leaving the restaurant with Kristen Stewart,
4 friends and a bodyguard. Twilight couple in Montreal!!!
1. Is it really SO hard to spell Pattinson?
Rob's last name really gets hit with errors.
2. Does this guy have an agenda?
I doubt it.
He saw Kristen and Rob having dinner.
In Montreal.
Not London.
So what do we glean from all this?
It seems that Robert is in Montreal.
I guess WHEN he arrived is up to debate...
I'm still thinking he got there on Monday...
But that's just me.
There are a number of reasons why I think that...
But really...
It's neither here nor there.
Rob is THERE.
That's all that matters.
Oh my.
The reactions are always the highlight of Robsten Drama.
Even more fun than Twirling
There I said it.
Because watching the Hyenas scramble to rationalize
Robert being in Montreal
Of course we have the basic line of
Pics or it didn't happen....
It gets oh so much better than that.
Because Haters are really going through the 5 stages of grief.
And it's hard for them to get through it...
They are fighting tooth and claw...
1st Stage- DENIAL
"Rob isn't in Montreal, he's in London!"
"Rob went to Montreal to see Tom, not Kristen!"
"Rob and Kristen have both denied they are together!"
"It's not real! It's just PR!"
2nd Stage- ANGER
"Rob is such a pussy! Why did he go to Montreal?"
"I hate Kristen! She just clings to Rob!"
"Why would Rob show up in Montreal? It pisses me off!"
"Enough Summit! You are overdoing the PR!"
"So what if Rob is in Montreal, he is just visiting his friends!"
"I will still love Rob, but I can't respect him anymore"
"Please, I just want him to show up in London!"
"Don't worry, it's only PR!"
"I'm done with this whole drama!"
"I'm officially IDontGiveACrapsten!"
"I don't know what to think anymore,
Why do they always have to be together?"
"I'm tired of all the PR games!"
Well... I would like to think that there would eventually be Acceptance.
But I don't see that happening any time soon.
They are too busy making excuses every time
Rob and Kristen show up together.
They are too busy hating Rob and/or Kristen
For wanting to be together.
They are too busy with
to get to acceptance.
With Acceptance Comes Peace.
So it's been a Twirly Giddy 24 hours.
Good Times.
Will we get pictures of Rob and Kristen together?
Who knows.
Some say that Montreal leaves celebrities alone.
I guess we shall find out if that's true.
Personally I don't need a picture of them.
Sure, it would be fun to watch the Hyenas choke on it...
Even that isn't worth the harassment that Rob and Kristen
have to go through just because they want to be together.
What is worth it...
Is that they are together.
And yeah...
They can whine about it not being true.
(but we all know it is...)
And they can whine about them being JUST friends
(there is no JUST, there is only THEM)
And they can growl about Rob and Kristen denying it
(They haven't because they don't)
Rob and Kristen are together.
Deny Deny Deny.
One last thing...
Christina Ricci, who worked with Rob on Bel Ami...
Had some interesting things to say about Rob and Kristen....
Well, we ALL knew that Kristen was in Budapest
(a bit longer than a day... hahaha)
And it's nice to see people admit that Kristen was
there on set 'a few times'.
Now, of course...
It's still DENY DENY DENY.
But at this stage of the game...
I think they are terminal.
This post was brought to you by the letter *A*
Try it.
and by massive amounts of
Mostly because it pisses them off.
Oh and one more thing.
Keep assuming I am writing about you.
Because I haven't mentioned you by name.
I haven't pointed my finger at you and cried "HYENA!"
You are doing that all by yourself.
Every time you get offended and angry at what I write.
Every time YOU see yourself in my words.
Remember that it wasn't me that said it...
It was YOU.
Bye for now
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