Sunday, August 29, 2010

Robert Pattinson- Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone

And so it begins.
Complete fuckery yesterday.
Fuck Er Y

Where in the world is Robert Pattinson?
Does anyone know?
Well, besides Rob and Kristen that is...

Some say he went down to Argentina to pick up Kristen
(to take her where... we have no idea)
Some say he is still in LA... doing his thing.
Some say he's in London with Tom.

Where oh where can he be?

I guess I can picture him in LA...
Moping around the empty house
taking care of Jella...
Yes... I can see it now.
Rob pulls out one of his vintage guitars
(You know, one that Kris gave him)
And starts playing...

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.
It's not warm when she's away.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long anytime she goes away. 
Yes, I can almost hear him singing...

And where is Kristen?
We saw her leave yesterday...
Was she meeting someone?
Is she really going to NOLA?
Did someone whisk her away to some unknown location?

So many unanswered questions.

There were a lot of 'Rob' sightings yesterday...
None of them were proven by pictures
But there was a 'fake Rob' video
that showed someone wearing a hoodie/sunglasses
who at first glance you might mistake for Robert...
But if you really looked at it (which I did)
You realize there is no chance in HELL that was Rob.
We all know what Robert looks like.
How he walks
The clothes he wears...
How he moves...
(Yeah, OK, so I know this shit... shut up)
I'm not sure what was accomplished by someone kinda
looking like Robert in an airport where Kristen was...
And guess what?
Some people blamed Kristen for it!
You know the drill...
Kristen wants attention!
Kristen wants publicity!

Yeah. Right.
That's almost as believable as two people
pretending to be together for 5 years
for $$money and promotion.
Man... I can't even type that shit without 
Thing is...
No one is sure where Robert Pattinson is right now.
He hasn't been seen in days.
Did he go get Kristen?
So many people asked why he would go down there
just to turn around and go back to LA.
Why does everyone assume they would go back to LA?
They both have time off...
Why not spend it together?
And is it possible for Robert to have been there...
Waiting for her...
Without being seen?

Who knows.

A lot of people do say Kristen is heading to NOLA 
That very well might be...
I mean... she does have to film there
Although it wasn't until Sept 7th...
So I'm not sure why she would go there so soon
She must have other things she can do
before she has to be on set?

Will Robert make another set appearance?
Well... since the last one singed the hair on the Hyena's asses...
Hyena... Ass
Same difference?

Where was I?
Hairy Hyena's Ass...
Since Rob's last trip to Montreal was such a complete success
I look forward to his showing his beautiful face
nuzzling next to Kristen's...

I kinda like the intrigue.
No one will know where Rob or Kristen are...
or if they are together...
Until a picture shows up.

It might be days... you know?
It might be a 1/2 hour from now.

I'm thinking days...
I don't know why.
I like to think that Rob and Kristen connected somehow yesterday...
And Rob whisked her off for some alone time...
So if in a few days...
Rob and Kristen magically appear in some airport...
We will have to wonder where they were...

Rob is home in LA
Kristen is in NOLA
And Rob will get his butt down there as soon as he can.


Rob really IS in London
with his bestest friend in the whole wide world

Damn... I was going to post a pic of Tom smiling
(it is an endearing smile, after all)
But this picture is just so Beatlesque, isn't it?
And I love the Beatles.
And I'm beginning a whole new love affair with Tom...
People say I only like Tom because he's Rob's friend.
And I will admit that Rob is who led me to Tom...
Look at that face.
You gotta love him.
And where is Tom Sturridge these days?
We haven't seen him either since the 
(This kiss this kiss... it's criminal!)

Lucky Tom...
He can fly under the radar unless he's with Rob and/or Kristen.
And what a place to be.
Which leads us back to my original question...

Where in the world is Robert Pattinson?

And why am I completely happy NOT knowing?
We can speculate all day long...
But no one knows.
(Well, OK, some people know)
And that's GOOD.
No pictures.
No intrusions.
No screaming.
No chasing.
No shoving.
No stalking.

No Rob and Kristen.

This Kiss This Kiss

I hope wherever Robert and Kristen are...
They are finding BLISS in each others arms.

That's a nice thought.

This post was brought to you by the letters *W* and *K*

W for Who the fuck knows where Rob and Kris really are.
(and won't it be interesting when a picture does show up?)

K for KISS
Because Rob and Kristen are absolutely kissing in that picture.
In fact...
They might be kissing RIGHT now!
Bye for now

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