Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back Tribal Tattoos For Men

Back tribal tattoos for men can be one of the sexiest tattoos a man can get. Whether you want an upper, lower, or full back tribal design you can be sure to find your perfect match. Before you jump in the car and head to the tattoo parlor know which tattoos you are interested in first. Browsing through pictures and catalogs of back tribal tattoos for men can help you get an idea of the back designs available for your back.

One of the more popular back tribal tattoos for men is the upper back tattoo. This style of tribal will usually stretch from one shoulder to the other and go down to the bottom of the shoulder blades. You can place any design you want her but the most common seen has swirls and interlocking tribal. Your tattoo shoulder be unique though so if you find a picture of a design you like, think of something you want to add or modify about it to make it your own. This tattoo is also great because it is easily covered for work or school purposes.

Back tribal tattoos for men can also come in the full back tattoo. This design is pretty self explanatory as it covered the entire back from the bottom of the neck to the small of your back. The design options here are simply endless as you have such a huge space to work with. This style is also good if you have a more upscale job because your back is easily covered by work shirts. This option will of course cost you much more money than that of an upper or lower back tattoo, and will sometimes take more than one visit to the parlor to complete.

One of the least common back tribal tattoos for men is the lower back tattoo. Typically this design is more fitted for females, but there are a select group of men who can get them and pull them off. This design is better known as a "tramp stamp" so men tend to veer away from this option.

However, if you are interested in this design be sure you get one that fits your style and personality. Try enlisting the help of your tattoo artist to draw up a lower back tattoo that works for you.

Robert Loves Kristen Loves Robert

I apologize in advance...
Because I really don't have much to say today.
Don't get me wrong...
There is still plenty of bullshit drama going on.
We know that will never end
I'm just not feeling it right now.
And no... that has nothing to do with my feelings about
Robert and Kristen being together.
I believe they are solidly together.
I don't know.
I guess I just don't have anything to say today.

Robert is in LA
Kristen is (supposedly) in NOLA
Same shit.
Different day.

I really do get sick of that sentiment.

So now everyone is just waiting for Robert to show up
wherever the fuck Kristen is
And I have no doubts he will...
Sometimes you just get tired of the game.

Because nothing is ever enough.
And I grow weary.

Oh no... not weary of this beautiful man...
who is so much more than tousled hair and chiseled jaw
Lanky limbs and piercing stare.
I realize that Robert Pattinson is special.
It's why I'm here.
Right now.
Writing these words.

But the constant drama is tedious.
And I know that I put myself out there in the middle
of the foam covered arena on a daily basis...
And yes...
Most of the time I sit here and write a few simple words...
and lean back and watch what happens.
For I have always said that the REACTION
is always so much more entertaining than the ACTION.
And that remains to be true.
So where does that leave us?
In the same place, I suppose.

I'm not going anywhere.
I'll still be here...
Trying to figure out why Robert Pattinson has affected me this way.
Trying to figure out exactly why I feel so damn protective about Kristen.

If the answers never come... that's OK.
I don't know if I will ever really understand the
Robert Pattinson Phenomenon
Maybe I'm not supposed to.
Maybe I'm just supposed to enjoy the ride.

When I first started this blog...
It was pretty much just me losing my mind over pics of Robert.
Obviously that much hasn't changed...
But Kristen came into the picture early on.
I noticed the interaction.
I noticed the infatuation.
So I began writing about it.

I think my first clue that I was seen as a "ROBSTEN" blog...
was when people would start #Follow Friday me
as their 'favorite Robsten blog'
The first time I saw that I was like... WTF?
I'm not a fucking Robsten blog.
I am.
Because I believe there IS a Robsten.
So I write about them.
I find myself defending my point of view...
And sometimes I wonder why I bother.
Does it really matter?

I am most decidedly interested.
I'm fascinated by the inner workings of this fandom.
I even love that Rob and Kristen being together
just burns the hyenas hide.
And yeah, it's entertaining as hell to watch them
chase their tails so hard...
Their nose is buried in their own ass.

I'm a bitch that way.

I'm honest. I'm say what I'm thinking.
And that pisses off some people.
Why? I'm not sure.
There used to be some 'friends' who would support this blog...
But then I guess I got a bit too controversial for them.
So they tried to distance themselves from me...
Publicly at least
*wink wink*
You know how it goes.
Some people just want to stay nice and neutral...
And safe.

No drama.

It's pretty hard not to get caught up in the drama sometimes.
IF you have an opinion...
IF you aren't afraid to stand behind it...
Then you will find drama too
or it will find you.
It's hard to be in this fandom and not get splashed
by the bitter foam once in a while...
You know?
And that brings me to my final thoughts.
I did it again.
I said I didn't have much to say...
And here we are.
And now I have a few things to say.
Funny how that works.

1. There was chatter about Rob showing up in NOLA
with Kristen at the end of the week.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least...
What also didn't surprise me is the number
of excuses that are already being spit out 
JUST IN CASE he does show up there.
You know...
"Breaking Dawn is doing pre-production there!
That's the ONLY reason Rob would go to NOLA"
(except BD is filming in Baton Rouge...
and it hasn't started yet considering one of their
MAJOR stars is busy on another film)
Nice try.

2.  "Rob would be CRAZY to go meet Kristen!"

Yeah. Because wanting to be with the one you love
is all kinds of crazy!
Rob is crazy...

3.  "Nick and Steph should get better control of Rob!
He doesn't need to go to NOLA and damage his career!"

I'm just gonna guess that when Rob isn't working...
He can pretty much go wherever the fuck he wants.
He's not on their leash.
THEY work for HIM.
Not the other way around.
And how does visiting his girlfriend damage his career?
Oh that's right.
It fucking doesn't.

4."IF Robert goes to NOLA...
You know it's because Summit is making him.
It's in his contract. It's PR!"

Yeah. It's in Robert's contract to follow his girl around
and get all up close and personal with her...
Summit has complete control over Robert.



Remember what I said about their nose being so far up their own ass?

This is why I still do this.
It's fucking hilarious!

This post is brought to you by the letters *J* and *H*

J for Jella.


H for Hyena Ass.
Not a pretty picture.

And so it goes.

Bye for now

Monday, August 30, 2010

Rob and Kristen- Countdown Started.

I feel like I have a lot to say today...
But not enough words
Maybe not the right words to say it.

What do we got?

1. Some fuckwad in Argentina took a picture of Kristen's passport.
Not only that...
But it was plastered all over the internet.
To what gain, I may ask?
The only picture I saw was the one of the actual fucktard
Holding up Kristen's passport like it was some sort of prize.
I don't get it.
Because whoever that was... is certainly no fan of Kristen's.
But see... it gets worse here, folks.
I was inundated with emails telling me that certain haters
were analyzing the stamps on the passport...
Are you ready for this shit?
They were trying to figure out a timeline for Budapest.
Good Fucking Grief people.
Someone's privacy is fucking invaded.
And this is a serious government document
with a lot of personal information on it...
And all you fucking care about is when she got to Budapest?
Yeah... Right.
That tells me 2 things...
That even though I'm sure you justified your fixation on someone's passport
there are no lines you wouldn't cross to prove your delusions.
You are beyond DESPERATE.
Hey, maybe you can give the fucktard a call
and he can give you more info...
But wait... he's probably already a member of your club.
So I'm sure he will be easy for you to find.

Nice Robeard.
Yeah, I'm a sucker for beards... what can I say?
I absolutely adore scruffy Rob.

Rob turned up in LA after all!
I guess my sadly strumming the guitar
while petting Jella scenario was the answer!
While I would have LOVED for Rob to have come down
to whisk Kristen out of Argentina...
It didn't really make much sense...
Unless you are a romantic fool like me.
But I've been told that Rob was taking care of business in LA
And lo and behold... there he be.

And the pictures of him and TomStu?
How fucking cute are they?
I love that everytime Rob goes out without Kristen...
He has Steph and Tom with him.
Now of course...
Foam was rampant about Rob not being with Kristen...
But we already knew he wasn't with her...
Kristen is the one who is working right now
Kristen is the one who has been moving around
Not Rob.
At least not yet.

I don't get why foamers are jumping up and down in glee over these pictures.
Like Rob doesn't do stuff with his agent and his best friend.. a lot?
Is this some sort of victory?
Enjoy the moment while you can.
Because I'm thinking it won't be too long until they are together again.
You know... kinda like Montreal.
You remember Montreal... right?

Rob flew to Montreal for a few days...
Hung out with Kristen and Tom...
Nuzzled Kristen...
Kissed Kristen...
Then got back on a plane with Kristen...
And spent some time in LA with Kristen.
So yeah...
when you see Robert getting up close and personal with anyone
on a regular basis like he does with Kristen?

THEN we'll talk.

For now?

Make sure you've got those magnifying glasses out so
you can keep studying Kristen's passport stamps
and keep chasing your tail about Rob hanging out
with his agent and his best friend...
Because that's ALL you got.
And when Rob shows up wherever Kristen is... 
You can always fall back on the oldie but goodie...

Man. That is some sad shit.
And you know it.

This post is brought to you by the letters *T* and *N*

T for Trust. 
I was right all along.

You live... You learn.

N is for NOLA
That is where Kristen is supposed to be.

How long until Rob shows up where she is?
Countdown started.

Bye for now

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Robert Pattinson- Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone

And so it begins.
Complete fuckery yesterday.
Fuck Er Y

Where in the world is Robert Pattinson?
Does anyone know?
Well, besides Rob and Kristen that is...

Some say he went down to Argentina to pick up Kristen
(to take her where... we have no idea)
Some say he is still in LA... doing his thing.
Some say he's in London with Tom.

Where oh where can he be?

I guess I can picture him in LA...
Moping around the empty house
taking care of Jella...
Yes... I can see it now.
Rob pulls out one of his vintage guitars
(You know, one that Kris gave him)
And starts playing...

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.
It's not warm when she's away.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long anytime she goes away. 
Yes, I can almost hear him singing...

And where is Kristen?
We saw her leave yesterday...
Was she meeting someone?
Is she really going to NOLA?
Did someone whisk her away to some unknown location?

So many unanswered questions.

There were a lot of 'Rob' sightings yesterday...
None of them were proven by pictures
But there was a 'fake Rob' video
that showed someone wearing a hoodie/sunglasses
who at first glance you might mistake for Robert...
But if you really looked at it (which I did)
You realize there is no chance in HELL that was Rob.
We all know what Robert looks like.
How he walks
The clothes he wears...
How he moves...
(Yeah, OK, so I know this shit... shut up)
I'm not sure what was accomplished by someone kinda
looking like Robert in an airport where Kristen was...
And guess what?
Some people blamed Kristen for it!
You know the drill...
Kristen wants attention!
Kristen wants publicity!

Yeah. Right.
That's almost as believable as two people
pretending to be together for 5 years
for $$money and promotion.
Man... I can't even type that shit without 
Thing is...
No one is sure where Robert Pattinson is right now.
He hasn't been seen in days.
Did he go get Kristen?
So many people asked why he would go down there
just to turn around and go back to LA.
Why does everyone assume they would go back to LA?
They both have time off...
Why not spend it together?
And is it possible for Robert to have been there...
Waiting for her...
Without being seen?

Who knows.

A lot of people do say Kristen is heading to NOLA 
That very well might be...
I mean... she does have to film there
Although it wasn't until Sept 7th...
So I'm not sure why she would go there so soon
She must have other things she can do
before she has to be on set?

Will Robert make another set appearance?
Well... since the last one singed the hair on the Hyena's asses...
Hyena... Ass
Same difference?

Where was I?
Hairy Hyena's Ass...
Since Rob's last trip to Montreal was such a complete success
I look forward to his showing his beautiful face
nuzzling next to Kristen's...

I kinda like the intrigue.
No one will know where Rob or Kristen are...
or if they are together...
Until a picture shows up.

It might be days... you know?
It might be a 1/2 hour from now.

I'm thinking days...
I don't know why.
I like to think that Rob and Kristen connected somehow yesterday...
And Rob whisked her off for some alone time...
So if in a few days...
Rob and Kristen magically appear in some airport...
We will have to wonder where they were...

Rob is home in LA
Kristen is in NOLA
And Rob will get his butt down there as soon as he can.


Rob really IS in London
with his bestest friend in the whole wide world

Damn... I was going to post a pic of Tom smiling
(it is an endearing smile, after all)
But this picture is just so Beatlesque, isn't it?
And I love the Beatles.
And I'm beginning a whole new love affair with Tom...
People say I only like Tom because he's Rob's friend.
And I will admit that Rob is who led me to Tom...
Look at that face.
You gotta love him.
And where is Tom Sturridge these days?
We haven't seen him either since the 
(This kiss this kiss... it's criminal!)

Lucky Tom...
He can fly under the radar unless he's with Rob and/or Kristen.
And what a place to be.
Which leads us back to my original question...

Where in the world is Robert Pattinson?

And why am I completely happy NOT knowing?
We can speculate all day long...
But no one knows.
(Well, OK, some people know)
And that's GOOD.
No pictures.
No intrusions.
No screaming.
No chasing.
No shoving.
No stalking.

No Rob and Kristen.

This Kiss This Kiss

I hope wherever Robert and Kristen are...
They are finding BLISS in each others arms.

That's a nice thought.

This post was brought to you by the letters *W* and *K*

W for Who the fuck knows where Rob and Kris really are.
(and won't it be interesting when a picture does show up?)

K for KISS
Because Rob and Kristen are absolutely kissing in that picture.
In fact...
They might be kissing RIGHT now!
Bye for now

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vanessa Hudgens Sunglasses

Every time we spot Vanessa Hudgens out and about, she is wearing something stunning and fashionable, so here we see the little trend setter donning a dazzling pair of designer sunglasses by Ray-Ban.

Yep, these Ray-Ban 3025 sunglasses are one of the hottest aviator models on the market today, and Vanessa looks better than anyone else we've seen wearing them.

And if you wanna buy a pair of your own, they are often priced around $120 - $150, so they aren't ridiculously over priced like many designer sunglasses.

Lady Gaga Very Sexy tattoo

Lady Gaga Very Sexy tattoo

Kelly Brook

Kelly Brook (born Kelly Ann Parsons; 23 November 1979(1979-11-23)) is a British model, actress, occasional swimwear designer, television presenter and Playboy Girl.Brook was born in Rochester, Kent, England. She is the daughter of Sandra, a cook, and Ken, a scaffolder. Ken Parsons died from cancer on 26 November 2007, during Brook's time on Strictly Come Dancing. Kelly attended The Thomas Aveling School in Warren Wood, Rochester, Kent. She then studied at the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in London for three years before becoming a professional model. Brook's modelling career began at 16 after winning a beauty competition, in which she was entered by her mother.Following this success, she worked on a range of advertising campaigns, including for Foster's Lager, Renault Megane, Walkers crisps, Piz Buin and Bravissimo, a company that specialises in bras and lingerie for large-breasted women. Her figure eventually caught the eye of the editorial team of the Daily Star tabloid, which began featuring her as a Page Three girl.

Kelly Brook's picture soon began appearing in other lad mags such as GQ, Loaded and FHM. In April of the same year, a poll over 5,000 women for Grazia magazine considered her to have the best British female body. She also topped the 'FHM 100 Sexiest Women in the World' list in 2005, which was said to have polled 15 million people. She later ranked 5th in FHM's '100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006', 17th in 2007 and 34th in 2008. She was the cover star of FHM's World Cup 2010 special issue, her first shoot with the magazine in five years. Brook has also done modeling of commercial swimwear, sportswear and hosiery. Her work for Triumph bras caused a stir because of a specially commissioned 50-foot (15 m) high billboard of Brook's bust, said to be the largest billboard in the world. In British design magazine Arena's November 2005 issue, Brook posed for a ten-page, nude black-and-white photo spread for the photographer David Bailey. In 2006, she signed a contract, reported to be worth around £1m, to present Unilever's Lynx body spray, known as "Axe" in the US and in continental Europe. She has appeared on billboards, in newspapers, and on-line as part of their advertising campaign.

She has also appeared in commercials for Sky + and T Mobile, and modelled for Reebok. In 2010, fourteen years after she started off her career as a lingerie model, she was chosen as the "new face and body" of lingerie maker Ultimo's advertising campaign. Kelly Brook appeared in the September 2010 issue of the American edition of Playboy magazine.

Catherine Zeta Jones

Catherine Zeta Jones was born 25 September 1969, now hyphenated as Catherine Zeta-Jones, is a Welsh actress, currently based in the United States. She began her career on stage at an early age. After starring in a number of UK and US television films and small roles in films, she came to prominence with roles in Hollywood movies such as The Phantom, The Mask of Zorro and Entrapment in the late 1990s. She won an Academy Award, BAFTA Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award and was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for portraying Velma Kelly in the 2002 film adaptation of the musical Chicago. In 2010 she won the Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical for her portrayal of Desiree in A Little Night Music.She was born Catherine Zeta Jones in Swansea, Wales to Patricia (née Fair), an Irish seamstress, and David James Jones (b. 1946), a Welsh sweet factory owner.Her name stems from those of her grandmothers — her maternal grandmother, Catherine Fair, and her paternal grandmother, Zeta Jones (1917 – 14 August 2008).

Zeta-Jones was raised Catholic. After her parents won £100,000 at Bingo in the 1980s, they moved to St. Andrews Drive in Mayals, an upper middle class area of Swansea. Jones left the private Dumbarton House School early, to further her acting ambitions without obtaining O levels. While at Dumbarton she once had her lunch money stolen by fellow pupil Rob Brydon. She then attended The Arts Educational Schools in Chiswick, west London, for a full-time three-year course in musical theatre.

Catherine Zeta-Jones's stage career began in childhood. She often performed at friends' and family functions, and was part of a local dance troupe, the Hazel Johnson School of Dance, which rehearsed at St Alban's Church, Treboeth. Zeta-Jones made her professional acting debut when she played the lead in Annie, a production at Swansea Grand Theatre. When she was 14, Mickey Dolenz cast her as Tallulah in Bugsy Malone.She then went on, at the age of 17 in 1986, to a part in the chorus of The Pajama Game at the Haymarket Theatre, Leicester starring Paul Jones and Fiona Hendley. The show subsequently toured the UK and then, in 1987, Zeta-Jones starred in 42nd Street as Peggy Sawyer at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Zeta-Jones was cast in the leading role after the actress playing Peggy Sawyer and the understudy fell ill. She also played Mae Jones in the Kurt Weill opera Street Scene with the English National Opera at the London Coliseum Theatre in 1989. After the show closed, she travelled to France, where she played the lead role in French director Philippe de Broca's Les 1001 Nuits [1001 Nights] (also known as Sheherazade), her feature film debut.

Abigail Clancy Sexy Random Photos

Abigail Clancy was Born in Liverpool, Clancy formed girl band Genie Queen, who were managed by Andy McCluskey from Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD). The highlight of their career was supporting boyband Blue on tour. The group did not secure a record deal and fell apart.Since appearing on the Britain's Next Top Model, Clancy has modelled for several magazines and newspapers. In May 2007, Clancy appeared on the front cover of Arena magazine, modelled the Triumph Bonneville Motorbike in the Daily Mail newspaper. She has appeared as a talking head in the documentaries Slave to Fashion and The Ultimate Bikini Guide for Channel 4, as a guest on programmes such as Richard and Judy, The Chris Moyles Show, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, GMTV and in her own Reality TV series Abbey and Janice: Beauty and the Best which followed her attempts to break the Los Angeles modelling scene with Janice Dickinson as her mentor. The show aired from 14 May to 18 June 2007 on Living TV. Clancy featured in the third series of Hell's Kitchen.She was the third contestant to be voted off the show by the public, and the fifth to leave overall.On 10 May 2009, Clancy featured on Chris Moyles' Quiz Night alongside Patsy Kensit. She won her episode and was the overall winner of the first series.

Abigail Clancy also co-hosted the ITV2 series, The Fashion Show with model Michelle de Swarte and George Lamb. Her cousin Chloe Cummings, made the top 13 contestants in the fifth cycle of Britain's Next Top Model, of which Clancy herself was a guest in episode 8, being the first ex-contestant from the Top Model franchise to appear on the judging panel. On 22 December 2009, Clancy appeared as a "contestant" on a spoof version of Blind Date as part of an episode of Alan Carr: Chatty Man in which Cilla Black was a guest.

Clancy was chosen to appear in Sports Illustrated magazine in the 2010 swimsuit edition. Clancy was featured for her sporting connection to Peter Crouch and was photographed for the magazine wearing only body paint to make it appear as if she was wearing an England shirt. Clancy appeared in a 2010 campaign for Umbro sportswear, modelling an England shirt, along with other footballer's wives and girlfriends from countries that have won the World Cup. In April 2010, Clancy was featured in ITV2's The Parent Trip along with her mother Karen. She also appeared as a panellist on A League Of Their Own. Abigail Clancy was a regular guest on James Corden's World Cup Live.

Friday, August 27, 2010

bipasha basu Asia star

Bipasha Basu Bengali: is an Indian actress who mainly appears in Bollywood films. A former model, she was the winner of the Ford's Godrej Cinthol Supermodel contest in 1996.
* 1 Early life
* 2 Career
* 3 Personal life
* 4 Filmography
* 5 See also
* 6 References
* 7 External links
Early life
Basu was born on January 7 in New Delhi to a Bengali Hindu family. She is the second of three daughters to her parents, the elder being Bidisha, and the younger—Vijayeta. Although she was born in New Delhi, her family later moved to Kolkata.[citation needed].
In an interview, she has stated that she had initially planned to study medicine, but entered modelling and acting by accident. Basu studied science till the 12th standard at Bhavan's Gangabux Kanoria Vidyamandir and then studied commerce at The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society College, an undergraduate college affiliated with the University of Calcutta. In Kolkata, she did modeling and ramp shows part-time. However, in 1996, she met model Mehr Jessia in Kolkata; the latter suggested that Basu take part in the Godrej Cinthol Supermodel contest. Basu participated, and won the contest.
After winning the Ford Godrej Cinthol contest, Basu also was flown to New York by the Ford Company, where she had a successful modelling career at the age of 17.
Basu made her film debut in Abbas Mustan's Ajnabee, with Akshay Kumar, Bobby Deol and Kareena Kapoor. She played a married woman who goes all out to woo her husband’s married friend, and eventually won the Filmfare Best Female Debut Award for her performance.
In 2002, Basu starred in Telugu movie Takkari Donga and Vikram Bhatt's thriller Raaz. Raaz was a big commercial success and surfaced as the biggest hit of that year. For her performance in the film, she received her first Best Actress nomination at the Filmfare. One review in The Tribune noted, "...it is Bipasha Basu who steals the show with her fine performance." She appeared as Sonia Khanna in the 2003 hit movie Jism alongside John Abraham. The movie earned her a Filmfare Best Villain Award nomination.
Besides acting, Basu did the video "Tu" for Sonu Nigam's album, Kismat. She also made a guest appearance in Jay Sean's music video Stolen.
In 2006, she performed an item number during the song Beedi in the film Omkara for which Rediff noted Basu's picturisation.
Basu in 2008
In 2008 Basu starred in Race, her second collaboration with duo Abbas Mustan, with whom she debuted in Bollywood. Co-starring Saif Ali Khan, Akshaye Khanna, Anil Kapoor and Katrina Kaif, the film performed well at the box office, and Basu's performance was appreciated by critics. Taran Adarsh of indiaFM described her performance as "her best work so far. She’s superb". She also received good reviews for her role in Bachna Ae Haseeno opposite Ranbir Kapoor. She completed the year by appearing in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi in the song Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte.
In 2005 Bipasha and John Abraham did a fitness video with Eros called Bollywood Bodies.[9] In 2010 she has launched her own line of videos with Shemaroo under the banner BB - Love Yourself. The first release is called 'Fit and Fabulous You.
personal life
Basu with boyfriend John Abraham at the launch of the Filmfare magazine (2007).
Basu is currently dating actor John Abraham. The couple have been together since late 2002 and have been referred to as a supercouple in the Indian media. She previously dated fellow Bollywood actor Dino Morea.
In 2006, Basu claimed to have been harassed by certain organizers of the India Day Parade in Edison, New Jersey. Basu was initially scheduled to lead the parade on 13 August 2006. Basu eventually appeared on stage late, according to her, because of the harassment. She said, "I wanted to attend the parade, but I could not." She explained that she was harassed physically and mentally in the car by two people who were taking her to the parade.
In 2005 and 2007, UK magazine Eastern Eye named Basu the "Sexiest Woman in Asia".
bipasha basu
bipasha basu

bipasha basu

bipasha basu

Bipasha Basu
Bipasha Basu
Bipasha Basu
Bipasha Basu

Bipasha Basu