Yeah. Something like that.
Not much going on in Rob/Kristen land.
Well... nothing new, anyway.
Let's see.
1. I've been spending a lot of time in my car lately
so I was listening to the Twilight soundtrack.
"Never Think" fucking SLAYS me.
I turn that bitch way WAY up...
and every strum of the guitar strings
breaks my heart.
Robert Pattinson?
You still fucking own me.
And guess what?
I'm OK with that.
Kristen at the Lacoste thingy.
She's hanging with her brother and ASB
Looking just incredibly adorable!
There was a lot of talk about Kristen possibly
hanging with Oregano.
The original Shorty Spice
(and don't give me shit... it's funny, admit it
and I do like the guy.)
So was this wishful tweeting by the hyenas/haters?
I'm thinking YES.
Not that having Kristen in the little O's company
would be a bad thing.
It's a nice thought that they could still be friends.
But it never ends there...
Does it?
Not a pretty picture, is it?
Well... let's face it, people...
Hyenas are gruesome.
THIS is what they do.
They scavenge and rip and shred
And they don't care who they hurt...
Or what they say...
As long as they have something to gnaw on.
The Hyenas have been biting at both
Robert and Kristen, lately.
Robert for being a 'pussy' and not standing up
to Summit or Kristen...
Kristen... well...
For fucking EXISTING.
And don't get me started on the complete
and utter bullshit when they scream PR!!
It doesn't make ANY sense at all...
Unless PR stands for POSSESSES RABIES.
Which you know they do.
They have nothing to really sink their teeth into...
So they bite and snap at anything
in hopes of finding a nibble
But, alas...
They still come up empty...
and thus are...
I've been getting a few comments, emails... etc
about how I don't defend Robert.
Please don't come here and tell me
what to do.
I mean, seriously.
Why don't you go on your blog and defend Robert?
Besides the fact...
Neither Rob or Kristen
Need any defending by me or anyone else.
People really have unbelievably massive egos
Thinking that Rob and Kristen are reading their shit.
That Rob and Kristen are getting all upset over it.
Give me a break, OK?
You have to remember that we aren't players
in the lives of Robert and Kristen...
We are Spectators.
We watch.
We have no say in how they play the game...
They are so into their own private game
that they don't notice the people on the sidelines.
So stop yelling.
Stop screaming.
Quit the howling and barking...
They aren't listening.
And oh yeah...
What IS that around Kristen's neck
that she is oh so cleverly covering up??
Bye for now.
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