I've always loved this picture.
Yes, they both look stunning in it...
But it's something else
Something more.
I think it has to do with the look on Robert's face
As he looks at Kristen.
I'm in a black/white kinda mood today.
I'm not sure whats that even means
But I seem to gravitate toward b/w pictures
So I decided to go with those today.
What's to talk about.
Let's see what I have found.
1. Honestly.
There is just something about Robert with a cigarette
that affects me.
Normally I hate cigarettes.
I don't like anything about them.
Except when Rob has one hanging off his lips.
I'm sure Freud would have lots to say
about the images and sexual innuendo
and why I find it so damn intoxicating...
But I can't think about that right now
Robert has a cigarette in his mouth.
2. Kristen is beautiful.
Sometimes she is just ordinarily beautiful
There are times when she is stunningly beautiful.
But she is always beautiful.
Even when she doesn't try to be.
Even when it seems she goes out of her way NOT to be.
It's like this bright light
That won't be dimmed...
No matter what she does.
No matter what people say.
The light blinds you.
3. There is always so much NONsense to deal with.
I don't look for it.
But it always finds me.
I see it on Twitter.
I see it in emails.
I see it on the comments on this blog.
I find it amusing that some people
are so threatened by my words.
My thoughts.
That they feel the need to follow me around
and make sure I know they don't agree with me.
But it screams of desperation.
4. I believe that Robert and Kristen are together.
Let me count the ways...
Since the days back in October 2008
I watched Robert and Kristen...
seemingly fall in love.
It was so obvious to me.
The looks.
The touching.
The intimacy that they shared.
That was 18 months ago.
And if anything...
My initial reaction to what I saw
has been reinforced
And again.
They spend as much time together
as their busy lives allow.
They always find a way...
To be together.
I don't need someone to tell me
their version of the truth.
I don't need constant validation
of my opinion.
I just see what is right in front of me.
(You know you see it, too)
And if there ever comes a day
when I don't see it?
I will accept that as well.
Because it's not about what I want.
It's what I believe.
5. Man, I'm rambling today, aren't I?
I apologize.
It's just so quiet here this morning...
and the thoughts are just flowing.
Robert and Kristen on Oprah
has caused quite a stir.
Some NONpeople are all worried that
Oprah is gonna ask THE question
and they won't like the answer.
And for some reason the fact that it's on
Robert's birthday was horrific.
Well, it's probably a taped show being shown on his birthday
But I'm still not sure why that is so threatening...
Does it mean that Rob has to tell the truth
if it's his birthday?
Does it mean that Rob's birthday wish will come true?
6. Last but not least.
The Eclipse trailer came out on Friday.
Within minutes people were complaining about it.
Yeah, I would have liked more Edward/Bella
But I still LOVED it.
People were upset with all the Riley.
People were upset with Bella's ring.
People were upset...
With everything.
Remember the days when we were just
excited and happy to have a trailer?
Thrilled to get glimpses of Edward?
I miss those days.
And finally.
(Yeah, I'm almost done)
Robert is in London
(for a couple more days?)
And for some reason because he didn't follow
Kristen to LA
It means all sorts of negative things.
If Robert follows Kristen then
it's just PR (pathetic rants)
or work related.
If he doesn't immediately follow her
then of course it's because he doesn't want
to be with her.
It doesn't matter to the Hyenas
All that matters is the scraps of bullshit
that they continue to digest.
You can not only see the desperation
You can fucking FEEL it.
Bitter. Vile. Foam.
And it's only going to get worse for them.
Because the BEST is yet to come.
Bye for now.
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