Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Robert and Kristen... ?

You know this face... right?


I remember seeing "Goblet of Fire" in the theater.
(Yeah, I'm a bit of a Harry Potter fan... who knew?)
I remember seeing the beautiful boy who played Cedric.
I remember thinking...
"He's beautiful"
"Daniel Radcliffe shouldn't stand next to him"

But that's as far as it went.
Maybe because he was just a teenager...
Maybe because I just wasn't ready.

And then there came Twilight.
I read all the books before I knew who was going 
to play Edward Cullen in the movie.
I had *my* version of Edward in my head.
(Really, didn't we all??)

When I found out who was playing Edward...
I wasn't impressed.
I didn't recognize the name.
I looked at those early pictures...
(Seriously? Is that Robert Pattinson??)
That was NOT my Edward.
No way. No how.

But this was close...
Beautiful... yet dangerous.

And it kept getting better...

And better...

And Robert became Edward.

And I love Edward Cullen.
Edward is what brought me to Robert.
And then the more I got to 'know' Rob...
The more I loved him, too.

Which brings us to Remember Me.

I've never seen Rob look so damn good.
And he was good in this movie.
Why didn't more people who loved him in
the Twilight movies...
Go see him in this?
I would pay to see him sit in a chair...
Reading a map.
I don't get why there wasn't more crossover
I mean...
Summit pretty much pandered to the Twilight crowd
when promoting this film.
Brooding Tyler.
Romantic Tyler.

Sexy hot Tyler.

Do people only want to see Robert
when he is Edward Cullen?
Well... some people.
Like the tweenie Twilight fan-base
Who only want Edward.
I don't get it.
If you are a fan of Rob's...
Don't you go see his other movies?
Don't you support all of his projects?

Like I said...
I will go see every movie he makes.
Forever and ever as long as I live.
I'm a fan for life now.

Guess what?
The Runaways is coming to a theater near me.
This Friday.

I was SO worried that I wouldn't get to see this 
movie on the big screen.
I'm so happy that I can do this for Kristen...
On her birthday!

Oh and just in case you think I went all soft and sweet
(You didn't think that... did you??)
Just where do you think Kristen is...
RIGHT now?

When was the last time she was seen in public?
Looking for houses?

I wanna see this.



What do you think Kristen wants for her birthday?


Bye for now.

*See? I can be nice.
And this post still isn't about YOU.*

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