Sunday, April 11, 2010

Robert and Kristen. Only Time Will Tell...

So OK, I admit it.
I let my 'real' life get in the way of online bullshit.
But it's pretty obvious to me that I didn't miss much
in 24 hours.

Same shit...
Well, you know how it goes.

Couple of thoughts.

1. I hate the whole 'real' life shit.
Does that mean I have a fake life?
Being online is part of my life...
Whether I like it or not.
It's real.
That almost bugs me as much as the haters
who constantly spew
Hello? I'm alive...
I already have a life.
I'm sorry you hate yours so much...
Too bad. So sad.

2. Twitter.
I'm not even sure how to say this.
I'm not sure it makes a difference.

People get so... so...
over what they read on Twitter.
Like its a matter of life or death.
I just want to say
Calm the fuck down!
You can obviously believe whatever you wish.
Use that little brain in your noggin and let it
chug chug chug away...
But don't take someone's Tweets like
they are written in stone
and are the gospel fucking truth.
That goes for ALL tweets.
Just because someone tweets what you want to believe
Doesn't make it so.
And just because someone tweets what you don't
want to believe...
Doesn't make it so.
I can tweet
*@RoseSee  I'm a Victoria's Secret model*
And while that would be awesome (heh)
Sadly, it's not true.
And neither is 99% of the bullshit you read on Twitter.
Because people do it for attention.
Or to get followers.
Or just to fuck with you.
They can say ANYTHING
and there will always be someone willing to take
it as truth.
So while it's cool to have faith...
or believe in some people...
Always have that grain of salt on hand.

And yes, folks...
That brings us back to Robert and Kristen.
So much has been said.
Nothing has been proven.
There hasn't been a picture of Kristen
in quite a long time.
Not in LA with a box (of clothes)
Not in Budapest with her fox.
I haven't seen pictures of Robert off set either...
Just the usual chatter of how he is here
or everywhere
But not with Kristen.
My thoughts?
(and keep in mind... just my thoughts)
I still believe she is there.
Hanging out with Robert
waiting for him to wrap up...
Maybe heading over to London
Who knows.

Isn't there some concert thing they are going to?
Ah yes... speculation.
Isn't it fun?

I'm thinking we might have to wait until
an airport... or a concert...
some public thing.
But I have to say...
Kristen is rocking the invisibility cloak!
So I guess we just wait and see
where the first picture of her shows up.
Where in the world is
Kristen San Diego??

Can YOU handle the truth?
I don't think you can.

Bye for now.

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