Friday, February 5, 2010

Random Rose and Robert Pattinson.

It has come to my attention that sometimes
teenagers read my blog.
Thanks. But.
Just so you know...
I cuss. A lot.
So if your eyes start to burn...
Look Away!

Random Thoughts.

1. I've used pictures in this post from
one of the BEST shoots of Robert... Ever.
There are like a zillion of them
(give or take a million)
And all of them are beautiful.
I hear Joe Cocker...
straining to sing the lyrics...

You Are So Beautiful To Me
Can't You See
  You're Everything I Hoped For
  You're Everything I Need
You Are So Beautiful To Me

Such Joy And Happiness You Bring
Like A Dream
A Guiding Light That Shines In The Night
Heavens Gift To Me
You Are So Beautiful To Me

Can't ya just hear Joe squeaking out the
"to meeeeee"?
Those are my lyrics for the day.
2. I should hate Stephanie Meyers.
Like fucking hate!
Edward Cullen has ruined me.
I loved reading his words.
I loved reading about his love for Bella.
Why did you do this to me, SM?
I became so fixated on Edward.
I read your books over and over
(and over and over)
And lets just add another over in there
for good measure.
And then...
THEN you go ahead and put
Robert Pattinson in the movie role.
I mean... 
Were you trying to kill me?
Robert is the closet human alive
to be able to bring Edward from the page...
To life.
And now I'm all intoxicated with Robert.
And Edward.
Thanks a fucking lot.
For everything.
You have changed my life.
Is that good or bad?
Depends on who you ask.

3. I'm all bitchy, itchy...
Kinda twitchy.
Why? Why you ask?
I'm missing that face up there ^
You know how you just think about something...
and your stomach kinda flip/flops?
Well anyway...
The most recent pictures of Robert...
With a little girl
In a car
He has looked so serious...
And while it would be easy for me
to just throw in the 
"He's missing Kristen" stuff...
The why isn't my deal right now.
But all I ask is this.
of Robert smiling.
Where the laugh reaches his eyes.
That's all.
Robert Smiling.
I need it.
*scratches arms*
*can't type. shaking.*

4. Well. I swear.
(no fucking kidding?)
No.. I mean...
I wrote a post about the DETAILS magazine rumors...
and almost immediately after I was done...

Gossip Cop came out and said:

First off, Pattinson is FULLY clothed in all 
of the dozen or so photographs.
He’s not even shirtless in any of the pictures.
And there are no straddling shots. No lap dance shots. 
No simulated oral sex shots. None of it.
While it’s true the models are nude in some pictures, 
remember that it’s Details magazine,
so readers won’t be exposed to their details either.

Insiders tell Gossip Cop the photos are “super sexy,” yet “tasteful.”
We also hear the pictures have an “Old Hollywood” feel to them. 
One source described the photos as 
embodying “1920s, 1930s Hollywood glamor.”

And I'm not sure how I feel about it.
But then...
I was reserving judgment until 
I actually SAW the pictures anyway.
I believe about 10% of what I read...
And that's probably too much as it is.
I look forward to seeing this.
I hope Rob is smiling.

Gorgeous... yes?
I put this pic in here 
because it had the red background.
And Kristen looks beautiful.
And Fierce.
And I miss her too...
Even though there was a picture of her
recently taken while on Jury Duty??
I miss that face.
Along with that other face.
I wish I could see both faces
Together. Again.
Do I have to wait until the BAFTAS?

Will my next song lyrics be...
And it feels so good.

I'm smiling.

Bye for now.

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