Thursday, February 4, 2010

Details Drama? Not Robert Pattinson!

Details Magazine.
Do we have any actual details?
I'm sure you've heard all the 'naughty' descriptions
of the pictures that are supposedly
in the magazine with Robert.
Has anyone actually seen the pictures?

And let the Drama begin!

I'm not sure what to think.
Mostly because I haven't seen the pictures.
And I would like to save my opinion about them...
for when I actually SEE them.

But... look at that sweet face above.
Guess what?
He's not that boy anymore.
I've gotten a lot of comments here...
and emails...
saying that this is a bad move for Robert.
That he doesn't need to do this.
That it sends the wrong message.
That he was unhappy doing it.
and it goes on and on...

I would like to give Robert the benefit of any doubt.
Because he may seem all goofy and shy...
and awkward and adorkable...
But he's intelligent.
And he knows what he wants.
Was he manipulated into doing these pictures?
Who knows.
I would hope not.
I would hope that Robert is the one
who is controlling his career.
And that he knows what he is doing.

So where does this leave us?
For now.

1. Are these 'racy' pictures bad for Rob's career?
Does he need to do something like this...

Personally, I think Robert wants to shed
the Cedric/Edward teenage image
that he is best known for.
Will it cost him some fans?
But some fans also call him Edward...
And think he's a virgin...
and that he really does sparkle in the sunlight.

2. Did posing with nude models hurt his 
relationship with Kristen?

I guess only Kristen could tell us that.
But (again) she did travel to the UK
AFTER the photos were taken...
and spent weeks with Rob.
If she was indeed 'upset' by the pics...
Logic shows us that she managed to get over it.
But since when does logic
play a part in anything connected to
Robert and Kristen?

3. If this turns out to be true, I will be so 
disappointed in Rob, and may stop being a fan.
I will never see him the same way again.

Hey... to each their own.
But if Rob posing for some pictures...
is enough to make you stop being a fan?
I'm guessing you weren't much of one 
to begin with.
Maybe this is Rob's way of cleansing his fanbase...
Getting rid of those who
only see him as pure, chaste Cedward.

4. I feel sorry for Kristen.
She has to deal with this whole thing.
Can you imagine how hard this was for her?

Someone feels sorry for Kristen?
Hey... I LOVE Kristen Stewart.
But feeling sorry for her?
She's young. She's beautiful.
She's talented.
She's rich...
She's involved in a popular franchise...
She gets to BE with Robert Pattinson.
I mean...
Hang out with.
Travel with.
Vacation with.
Hold hands with.
Kiss with.
Work with.
I'm not feeling too bad for her.
Besides the fact...
I think Kristen can take care of herself just fine.
She's done a great job so far...
Hasn't she?

Bye for now.

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