Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are Robert and Kristen going to NYC?

I want to talk about Remember Me.
There have been a lot of trailers released.
Typical Summit... Typical Overkill.
It's like with New Moon...
I feel like I've seen the whole damn movie!
But honestly?
The more I see...
The more I like.
Robert looks so damn beautiful in this movie.
And I know he's got a quiet determination
in his voice... his actions...
But Robert's face has always been a 
huge part of showing his emotions...
Of his acting.
That gorgeous face shows everything he's feeling.
I'm SO excited to see this movie.
To see Robert.

Is it March yet?

Some of the BEST pictures of Rob
are from the Remember Me set.

Do you think this movie will attract the teen fans
that all the Twilight movies do?
But I'm guessing there are so many
people who are actually fans of Edward first.
Who won't be interested in this.
Kinda hard to believe...
That's why its so important that this movie does well.
So people realize Robert isn't Edward.
There is more to him than the sparkly vampire.
(not that I don't love Edward... but you know what I mean)
As a fan of Robert...
I want EVERYthing he does to do well.
Because I want him to keep making movies
beyond the Twilight Saga.
I don't see me getting over him.
He owns me.
For life.

Ah yes.
I'm gonna guess that Rob and Kristen
will be traveling to the States together.
This weekend.
It just makes sense to me.
Rob has stuff going on...
Jimmy Fallon, The View, RM premiere
Kristen has Leno, Oscars, Runaways premiere
Will Kristen go to NYC with Robert?
I would like to think so.
Kristen haters are all up in arms
about her showing up at the RM premiere.
Of course she is just there riding his coattails.
Stealing his thunder.
How DARE she go to upstage RM!!!
How is it any different then when Emilie
showed up at the New Moon premiere?
Some people got all upset that she was there.
And the haters defended her right to be.
If it was OK for Emilie to be at NM
on the basis of working with Robert/Summit
and promoting RM 
Surely its OK for Kristen to be at RM
on the basis of working with Robert/Summit
And maybe...
because Robert WANTS her to be there?
Who the hell knows.
Maybe she won't show up.
But I hope she does.
I kinda think the relationship ball is 
rolling pretty good right now...
Why stop it?

Bye for now

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