Monday, February 1, 2010

Something Wicked This Way Comes...

You know...
I don't get it.
I really don't.

HUGE deal about a new mag photoshoot...
And by huge I mean ridiculous.
Details Magazine.
Rob posing with 'naked' models.
OH NO! :-((

I say... BIG fucking DEAL.

1. Isn't it GOOD for Rob to break away from 
the PG-13 brooding teen heartthrob?
Details Magazine isn't aimed at teenagers.
Rob isn't a teenager.
I love the thought of 
R-rated Robert!

2. Why is it every damn time there are new pictures
It must mean the END of Rob and Kristen?
These pictures were taken sometime in December...
We all know where Kristen and Robert were in Jan.

3. They are apart right now.
It happens with actors.
Rob is in England doing a movie.
Kristen's here doing her thing.
They have careers.

4. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing
a sexier, mature Robert...
It's another side of him.
One that needs to be seen.
And I'm ready for it.

So... come on.
No death threats against Robert
for daring to do things without Kristen.
It's beyond silly.
Everything they do can't be together.
They aren't connected at the hip
(and wouldn't that be kinda creepy??)

And stop with the 'end' of Rob and Kristen's relationship.
You think Kristen isn't fully aware of what is 
going on with Robert...
and vice-versa?

Don't you think they discussed this...
while laying in each others arms...
over the weeks and weeks
they spent together in January?

So yeah...
If you want to feed into the Haters...
Have a fit about Rob's new photoshoot...
Give them more ammunition to feed on.
You can just accept it for what it is...
A chance to see Robert step out of Edward's shadow.
A chance for him to promote a sexier Rob
A chance for people other than tweenies
to appreciate the man we have all come to love.

I see it this way...
(Keep in mind I am wearing my 'Rose' colored glasses)
Kristen most likely will be going to England
for the BAFTAS at the end of February...
Rob will be taking time off Bel Ami to promote
Remember Me...
(Including The View on March 2nd!)
So they will be able to spend some time together 
In England...
before they both fly back to the States.
Did I say together?
Why yes...
Yes I did.

We will be seeing a lot of Robert and Kristen
the next few months...
Together and apart.
The Runaways.
Remember Me.
It's ALL good.

And I can't wait!

Bye for now.

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