Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Not Always About Robert and Kristen...

Aww darling... you need a hug.

A screen cap from the Remember Me TV clip.
Can I be honest?

1. Yes. Robert was sexy, vulnerable, emotional
sexy, adorable, smiley, sexy.
He was ALL of that and more.

2. Emilie was adorable and smiley...
and she had every reason in the world to be smiley.
She had her mouth on Rob's mouth!

3. The clip was great.
But it was kinda the same stuff we saw before?
Maybe more steamy bits...
I don't know...
I couldn't really focus on much else
besides Robert.

4. I'm beyond excited to see this movie.
I think (hope) Rob will do great.
I want him to find success outside of Twilight.

Which brings me to...

This poster makes me SQUEEEEE!


Well... it shouldn't bring me to Kristen.
That's kinda my point.

You know me.
You know I love to giggle
at the drama and reaction that 
Robert and Kristen's relationship inspires.
Remember Me
has nothing to do with Kristen.
The Runaways 
has nothing to do with Robert.

1. STOP comparing the two.
Completely different movies.
Different budgets.
Different audience.
Different everything.
It's NOT a competition.

2. Rob doesn't always have to be with Kristen.
Kristen doesn't always have to be with Robert.
They aren't connected at the hip.
I don't get all this insecurity and bullshit
when stuff for Remember me comes out.
I mean...
People photo-shopping Kristen's face onto Emilies...
Oh I get the 'joke' and enjoy a laugh
as much as the next person...
But some people really cannot STAND
to see Robert with anyone besides Kristen.
I suggest you bail out now.
It's only going to get worse for you.
Rob is going to be with lots (and lots)
of different actresses.
Did I say lots?
You truly cannot go ballistic every time.
And if you do...
Please go stand over there
WAY over there -------->
Keep going...

3. The BAFTAS are coming up Feb 21st.
There is talk that Kristen will be in London
for the event.
Robert is in London.
Will Kristen fly over for Valentines day?
Will Rob support her at the BAFTAS?
Will Rob and Kristen fly back to the States...
Who knows.
We shall see soon enough... yes?

Yeah... I like to poke the beast that is "Robsten"
I admit it.
Immediate reaction.
Snarling, biting, ferocious monster
that the hype has become.
You have to admit that the extremes
that people go to for their "side" are ridiculous...
And Twi-Twats can be very entertaining (albeit scary)
in their delusional rants and tirades.

Even though I believe that
Robert and Kristen are in fact...
Robert and Kristen.
It doesn't mean that I can't see them separately.
That I can't see Robert next to someone else...
That Kristen always has to have Rob at her side...
That's irrational.
And given the circumstances of their jobs...

It's OK.

Bye for now.

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