Monday, September 7, 2009

Stalking Robert Pattinson

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

Fan or Fanatic?
Love or Lunacy?

Are you a stalker? Is anyone you know?
Here's a simple quiz to find out.

1. Rob's at an autograph signing
There are thousands of people waiting to see him...
Do you...
Wait patiently in line
And when you finally get to see Rob...
Do you talk to him like a fellow human being?
Do you smile and say "I loved 'How to Be'?
You are rude to the people around you
You push and try to skip in line...
When you finally get to see Rob...
Do you show him the bloody scabs on your neck?
Do you ask him to bite you?

2. Rob's doing a public appearance.
He's coming out to answer questions.
Do you...
Wait excitedly to see him...
And when he appears do you try to hear what he says?
Are you interested in what he has to say?
Do you scream and screech for no apparent reason?
Rob is trying to talk...
But you don't care...
You just scream and scream and scream
And fucking scream.

3. Rob is in NYC filming a movie.
The movie sets are in public places.
Do you...
Go where they are filming
to catch a glimpse of Rob at work?
Do you listen to the people in charge
and stand where they ask you to?
When you do see Rob...
You smile and wave
and try to take his picture?
Do you stand in front of his trailer for hours?
When Rob does show his face...
Do you scream at the top of your lungs?
Do you chase after him and try to hug him?
Do you call him "Edward"?

4. Rob is in Vancouver filming "Eclipse"
It's a closed set.
Do you...
Remember Rob talking about how large
crowds freak him out?
And how screaming makes him nervous...
Do you decide to stay at home
and wait for pics and any news?
Do you fly across the country?
Do you hang out where you think Rob will be?
Do you stay in the hotel Rob is staying at?
Do you wait for hours for him to show up?

I used to think there was a fine line
between a fan and a fanatic.
But that line has gotten more distinct...
and people continue to cross it.

People who choose to harass Rob...
Trying to 'get' to him...
Plotting ways to meet him...
Spending countless dollars and hours...
just to STALK him.

These fanatics feel entitled to Rob.
They feel he 'owes' them something.
They don't see how their behavior
is responsible for Rob's increased security...
And are the very reason we don't see him
as much in public anymore.

Yes, Rob is famous...
and he's making millions of dollars...
And with fame comes a downside...

But Rob is also just a man.
A 23 year old who has been thrust into something
That he doesn't appear too comfortable with.

If you care about him...
If you have listened to a word he has said...

You will back off.

Rob's not Edward.
He's not the hero.

What if you are the bad guy?

Bye for now

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