Saturday, September 26, 2009

Robert and Kristen Aren't Talking...

It's Saturday morning...
I woke up with a major headache (I fucking hate that)
and now I feel like a 'bitch on wheels'...
I'm not ON wheels...
I'm sitting on a recliner

Bitch on leather? Bitch on recline?
Well... you get the point.

And since I'm big time pissy this morning...

Why not discuss the recent Robsten bullshit?

Why not indeed.


As you all know Twitter was absolutely aflame when it was said that

"Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart Will Confirm Romance In Harper’s Bazaar December Issue"

Yeah. Right.
So the Twilight world went fucking wild...
(please note that I will be saying fucking... a lot. Just a warning.)
Robsten Lovers Rejoiced!!
Kristen haters Recoiled! (And let's face it, they don't hate Robsten... they hate Kristen.)
The doubters called BULLSHIT.
The hopeful said AT LAST!

1. So... you will have me believe that 2 intensely private people... would discuss their personal relationship in a magazine?

2. Was this a PR move? More speculation. More press. More publicity?

It turns out that GOSSIP COP had another story.

"A source close to the production tells Gossip Cop exclusively that Pattinson and Stewart “do NOT” discuss whether or not they’re a couple. Do NOT."


So what?
You mean Rob and Kristen are still keeping their relationship... private?
Wow... huge surprise.
Robsten lovers still rejoiced because they were going to get a photoshoot
with Rob and Kristen.

Kristen haters still recoiled... well... because they still hate Kristen
and don't want to see her with Rob.

The doubters said TOLD YA!
The hopeful said Oh Well...

Thing is?

The fact that the 'coming out' story was fabricated... really doesn't matter.
Doesn't mean jackFUCKINGshit in terms of whether or not
Robert and Kristen are Robert and Kristen.
A false hope of learning the 'truth'....
When we already know the fucking truth.

You know it.

I know it.

It's as plain as the pain in my fucking brain...


The press junket for New Moon
might be most interesting.
How guarded will Rob be this time around?

How wary and cynical?

Will Rob and Kristen do press together?

Will it be more Taylor and Kristen?
What 'secrets' will be revealed?
Well, I just look forward to seeing Rob talk...
and walk.
and smile.
and pull his fingers through his hair.
Man... I fucking miss Rob.

Bye for now

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