Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rambling Rose

Couple of things...

1. Thanks for all the comments on yesterdays post. It was... enlightening as always. It never ceases to amaze me the power of Robsten. The passion... the emotion that 2 people seem to incite... fascinating.

2. For the record? I may be pro Robsten... but I'm not a hater. I don't go to other peoples sites and attack them or WRITE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!!! I think people are entitled to their Robsten/Nonsten opinion, I just wish they would leave Kristen alone when they voice it.

3. I'm kinda worried about upcoming photo shoots with Robert. Why? Because every time new pics come out with Rob... he looks impossibly more beautiful and gorgeous. I'm not sure how that is even possible. How does one improve upon perfection? So yeah... I'm worried.

4. Why were people seemingly so eager to latch onto a Nikki/Rob relationship? Yeah, there were some pictures of Nikki hanging out with Rob... at a club, going out to dinner... buying boxes. But for some reason those pictures are proof that they were 'together'... but similar pictures of Rob hanging out with Kristen... aren't good enough. How exactly does that work?

5. I've been reading a copy of the New Moon script (don't ask) and I just got to the part where Edward leaves Bella in the woods. Kill. Me. Now. I am going to be a blubbery mess when I see that movie. You know how it is when you try not to cry? You hold it all in... and then you get this massive headache. So yeah... I'm going to have a continuous headache for like a week. But so worth it. I can't wait...

6. Is it wrong for me to laugh at other peoples delusions? It probably is. I'm awful. I can't help but smile when I read the lengths people go to prove their points. Why is it so important that other people see things your way? Dissecting every pixel of a picture... combing through every frame of a video. It's fucking hilarious, really.... in a pathetic kinda way. Yeah... I'm probably going to burn in hell...

7. Sorry. This was more than a couple of things. As usual, I don't know when to shut it. But what it all comes down to is this... I simply adore Robert Pattinson. Pretty simple.

8. Bye for now

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