Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ROBsten, NONsten and HATEsten

I'm going to be talking about
Because right now I feel rather irritated and annoyed.
I don't usually let the whole
Robsten/Nonsten bullshit get to me.
I usually just take it in stride.
I mean...
I know there is the lunatic fringe out there
on both sides of the Robsten universe.
So I just shrug my shoulders and move on.

Not happening today.

First we have Laimeys

"Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson –
were spotted smoking on the patio.
Twi-Hards will take this to mean they that they were out there alone,
slow dancing under the twinkling stars,
talking about the magic-ness of their love."

I laughed at this.
Because she's right.
The Raving Robstens WILL take it as a sign.
"They are SO SO SO in love!"
But one of the thing that bugs me about Laimey...
is she only focuses on the extreme Robsten fan.
You know the one I'm talking about...

Just because you are a fan of Robsten...
Doesn't fucking mean you're a lunatic.
And lets look over at the flip side of this coin
Shall we?

Ted C posted this...

A.T.: How about Rob and Kristen, what is their dynamic like?
Hostess One: Doesn't everyone just know that they're dating?
A.T.: Uh, you'd be surprised how many don't want to believe it.
Hostess Two: Oh, well everyone here knows.
They are the only cast members who will come in alone a lot.
You can just tell by looking at them.
They're really cute together, always smiling.
A.T.: Love it! Hate to say it though, but "smiling" and
"Kristen Stewart" seem unlikely to be in the same sentence together.
Hostess One: No way. She is incredibly sweet—I'd be a bitch, too,
if there were cameras constantly in my face.
But she's great, and so is Rob.
They just seem to make each other happy.

So basically....
This 'source' (and yeah... you take it with a grain of fucking salt, OK?)
Says that Rob and Kristen look like they are 'dating'
and that they seem to make each other happy.
Is that a bad fucking thing?
Some NONstens hated this story!
Why would people get so fucking upset over that?
They aren't saying that Rob is kicking puppies...
or that he is slapping old ladies.
He was smiling and having fun.
Why is it so damn awful?

Because he's having fun with Kristen!
At least the 'source' defended her.
You don't get that very often.

The truth of the matter is this...
These people should be called HateSten
Because its all about the hate for Kristen.
She gets called out for her looks.
Her attitude.
Her style.
She gets threatened.
Verbally abused and attacked.

Enough already!

Whether Rob or Kristen are in love...
Doesn't fucking matter.
They ARE friends.
They DO hang out.
They obviously LIKE each other.
So fucking deny the existence of Robsten...
That's cool.

But you still have to deal with her
hanging out with Robert.

Kristen is in Rob's life.
No matter how deeply.
She IS there.
You're not.

Enough of the HATEsten.
She doesn't deserve it.
Get the fuck over yourself.

*Just as Laimey targets the lunatic Robstens...
The majority of this post is aimed
at the lunatic HATEstens.
I know a lot of Nonstens.
I even love a few.
99% are sane, rational people.
The HATEstens are the extreme 1%
(No one I know personally is one)
I'm just pointing it out.*

Bye for now

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