Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 1 - Kristen Stewart Appreciation

This is one of my favorite pictures
of both Rob and Kristen.
They look absolutely beautiful.

I've decided to say something nice
about Kristen everyday...
Since so many feel the need to trash her on a daily basis.

There was a still from this photo-shoot...
it was all blurry and a mess.
It supposedly showed Rob... kissing Kristen.
It's not an actual picture.
Its like a fleeting moment from the video.
And it has been torn apart
on both sides of the Robsten universe.
Such uproar from a shitty picture!
Am I the only one who finds that Hilarious?
I can't be.

"They ARE Kissing!!"

"He's just whispering in her ear!!"

Hasn't the dissection and intense scrutiny
of every possible Robsten connection...
Gotten out of hand?

How far will some people go...
to make their point?
Why is it necessary to shove
a point of view
down everyone's throat?

Isn't it OK that
I believe there is a Robsten...
And you don't?
Wouldn't the world be fucking boring...
If we all agreed?

So many questions.
And no answers.


Kristen is beautiful.
Stunning. Gorgeous.
That's my nice comment of the day.

I love Rob.
He's really got a hold on me.
He's beautiful, too...

Robsten Rules!


Bye for now

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