I've been trying to 'catch up' with all the latest goings-on
And the fervor and fury surrounding a silly award show
has been incredibly entertaining.
Laugh out loud entertaining.
Why are people in such a fucking tizzy over this show?
I mean... from whatever side of the fence you are looking at it...
Why is it such a big deal?
1. If Summit does indeed have MTV in their PR pocket
(and let's face it, who doesn't Summit own? Bwahaha)
And the whole Twilight related awards
are in fact all fixed and just to sell a PR relationship...
Why is there so much damn foaming over it?
If it doesn't MEAN anything...
Why so angry?
Why so bitter?
Why so hateful?
I've read people are boycotting the show!
We can't watch Rob anywhere NEAR THAT GIRL!
"It's ALL rigged and fixed and doesn't mean a thing
but I'm going to vote and vote AGAINST ROB!"
Why would you bother if its fixed?
And you call yourself Rob's 'FAN'
yet you vote against him?
You must save him from the horror of Twilight!
It's up to the Foamers out there
to protect Rob from himself!
He obviously has NO idea what he wants
and we all know it can't be THAT GIRL!
It just can't!
I won't allow it!
So many contradictions.
2. And lets say that Rob and Kristen DON'T win the Best Kiss?
Will it really matter in the grand scheme of things?
Because I'm thinking that it won't.
Oh sure...
It would be
to see Rob and Kristen win that award
and go up on stage and have a big ol' kiss...
But at the end of the day
Even if they don't win
(although I can't imagine who would beat them)
and even if they do some awkwardly adorable
version of an Edward/Bella kiss...
or if they make out passionately...
Do you think it will affect their relationship?
Do you think that whether they are together
is riding on them winning some silly Best Kiss award?
If they kiss on TV it makes it more real?
What is more meaningful is what happens off that stage.
And sorry to say...
We don't get to see more than a few snippets of that.
And if you think about it...
Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
People aren't supposed to have 24/7 access into
peoples personal lives...
No matter if they are famous or not.
Just be happy that Rob and Kristen are happy.
They are sharing their lives...
(and their puppy)
and they have been making it work for over 2 years.
And come on now...
It's not up to you or me to decide
if they are handling their relationship the right way.
What works for them
is all that matters.
3. Where is Kristen?
Where is Robert?
They have been spotted everywhere the last few days.
Oh yes...
I love how its so believable when people tweet
Rob is anywhere but with Kristen...
But as soon as people start tweeting they are
walking their dog...
or hanging out...
THOSE tweets must be LIES!!!
And to be perfectly honest...
Not one of these 'tweeters' have a pic to prove their story.
It has been proven on more than one occasion that people
make up shit on twitter.
People have agendas.
People want attention.
People like to stir the shit.
Go figure!
4. I'm looking forward to tomorrow nights show.
I really am.
Not so much for the kiss
(Come on guys, you can DO this!)
But just to see Rob and Kristen together...
It's been a while.
I mean...
The whole handholding/kiss in the limo at the WFE premiere
was fuck awesome...
Don't get me wrong
But it would be nice to see something else... Right?
Do you think we will get it?
Are Robert and Kristen ready to show the world
that they are really in this for the long haul?
Will they put all their cards on the table?
No more bluffing?
No more trying so hard not to give yourself away...
Just holding hands...
and kissing.
Whatever happens.
I think we will be surprised...
This post is brought to you by the letter *T*
T for Toronto.
Kristen was there.
Rob was there.
They will be there again.
You don't know
the why.
the when.
the where.
Just know that they are Together...
people keep trying to analyze
how Rob and Kristen behave as a couple.
What's right. What's wrong.
Good thing its not up to you.
T for Truth.
You see things your way...
I see the TRUTH.
Always end up
Because that's where they want to be.
T for Tomorrow
The sun will come out Tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another day.
And it just keeps getting better.
And better.
T for Tom Sturridge.
Shaggy, sexy Tom.
It will always be
Green Sheep.
Bye for now
Oh yeah...
Are you ready for some TWIRLING???
Sunday Night Party??
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