Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rob and Kristen-- Funny How That Works

I miss beardy Rob. I bet he does, too...

Random Rose

1. JFC
The last few days in this fandom have been ridiculous.
Things are always ridiculous...
but imagine doubling... even tripling that.
Because people are truly fucked up.

Let's talk Petitions.
Oh yes.
You all have seen/heard about them.

It started a while ago...
When some Ninnies wanted to petition Fox
to keep Kristen away from the WFE premiere.
Sad... but true.
Oh sure
They claimed it was all a JOKE.
But we all know better.
They meant every bitter angry word.
(Nice try though... heh)

That brings us to the petition
to have Josh Horowitz interview Rob and Kristen together
for Breaking Dawn promo.
Is that a bad thing?
Does that hurt or harm anyone... in any way?
It's just people wanting to see Rob and Kristen
talking about the movie and Edward/Bella.
Normal... yes?
Co-stars in movies do that ALL the time.
But just because its 
People got all up in arms about it...
"Quit trying to force them together!"
Never mind that they are starring in the movies together.
Never mind that no outcry was heard 
when Rob and other female co-stars from his
other movies were interviewed together.
Just Kristen.

Funny how that works.
They look awfully comfortable together... don't they?

Next we get the 
"Lets get Kristen away from Rob" petition.
I don't know who did this...
or if it was a joke
But it was lame.
And desperate.

But that was nothing compared to the
"Kill the Nonst*ns" petition.
And spare me the self righteous indignation.
I wouldn't be surprised if a Ninnie started this.
(sometimes their alternate personalities get confused)
Then they can all lament on how picked on
and trod upon they are...
Needless to say
(But I will say it anyway)
Whoever started it.
LAME is the word of the day today.

I say we start a 
Imagine the howling.
The foaming.

Never mind.
Considering the amount of barking and whining...
It must already be painful.

Funny how that works.

We've only just begun...

2. JFC.
Supposedly Rob has been out carousing every night in Toronto!
He's cheating on Kristen!
He's with Caitlyn!
He's with Sarah!
The guy goes to one or two functions...
And he's an immediate manwhore.
I don't get that.
At all.
Are you really SO desperate to believe
that Rob isn't with Kristen...
That you would paint him out to be 
some drunken pig...
getting it on with whatever female is near by?
The man is working.
He is allowed to get out and have a beer with castmates...
Or listen to music...
What is he supposed to do?
Stay in his hotel every night?

And another thing.
How convenient that some random tweets
are taken as gospel.
Strange double standard.
All those tweets saying Rob and Kristen 
were walking Bear...
Or how about the tweets claiming to see
Rob and Kristen snuggling and kissing in restaurants?
THOSE were bullshit lies.
Of course they were.
But some random person sees Rob in a bar...
Or sees Kristen in any city 
as long as its NOT Toronto...
Whatever happened to 
Pics or it didn't happen?
Or is that just for the stuff about
Rob and Kristen together?

Funny how that works.

I love the look on Kristen's face...

3. JFC.
All sorts of speculation about where Kristen is.
Do you know?
Has anyone seen her since London?
I love that people assume she hasn't seen Rob
since the MTV awards show.
Are you sure?
So much chatter about what she is doing...
and why she isn't in Toronto with Robert.
And of course...
She can't have work related things going on...
No one is THAT busy.
And what happens WHEN (not if)
she shows up in Toronto?
Will she then conveniently become
the clinging famewhore?
See how that goes?
If Kristen were seen in Toronto
(and lets face it people...she hasn't been seen anywhere)
She's just a clinger and there for PR...
If Kristen isn't seen in Toronto
Rob isn't important enough to her
and they broke up!
I would say she can't win for losing...
But that's not true at all.
Because Kristen has already WON.

Funny how that works.

Work. Work. Work. (hahahaha)

4. So I'm not entirely clear about the 
Jeff Buckley thing.
I read that Penn Badgley (?) didn't get the part.
And that there were 2 different movies...
and that Rob didn't get the part...
and that they were looking for someone who
wasn't too well known to play the role.
Which kinda makes sense in a way.
(Tom Sturridge anyone???)

But there hasn't been an official announcement
(as far as I know at this writing)
as to who got the role.
It might even be good for Rob
to have some time off after Cosmopolis.
The guy has been working nonstop...
(yeah, I get the striking while the iron is hot stuff)
He needs some downtime.
Some time to not shave
and get all bushy and beardy
and he can get himself over to London
and hang with his family...
His friends...
(Tom Sturridge anyone?)
And of course...
He can be close to Kristen
while she is filming SWATH.

Sounds about perfect.

Funny how that works.

Just because.

This post is brought to you by the letter *W*

W for WTF?
Stop with bizarre and strange petitions.
How does one fulfill getting Kristen
away from Robert anyway?

W for No Worries.
I know people like to worry 
when they don't see Rob and Kristen together
for a while.
But it doesn't matter.
We shall see...
Soon enough.

Monday Monday...
    Can't trust that day.
Bye for now

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