Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rob and Kristen-- Letters to the Editor

It is not Love that is blind... but Jealousy.

Rob is back in Toronto...
Kristen is/was back in London.
Don't you get exhausted just reading about their schedules?
I do.
Especially Kristen these days.
Back and forth between 
Toronto, LA and London?
Next stop...

The MTV chatter is still going on.
There was some video that supposedly showed something.
All I saw were shadows behind Taylor Lautner.
Does that boy make it his life work to block our view?
It's OK.
I just love how happy and giddy 
Both Robert and Kristen were that night.
It was a fun show to watch...
And all the stuff that went on behind the scenes
and at the after parties?
Needless to say...
That many people can't be wrong.
(As much as you want them to be.)

I've decided to share a few of my emails today.
I've gotten a shitload of them in the last few weeks.
And let me point out that 99% of them are great.
But that other 1% is pretty fucking hilarious.
And scary.
And creepy.
And delusional.
And you get the idea.

"I learned that if a relationship is honest, it can last through anything despite all the challenges we have to face and everything that happens around us."


Dear Webster.
I'm sorry... but anyone who consistently misspells "Rose"
(or even "RoseSee")
is hard to take seriously.
Or has to type in all caps.
Or can't seem to differentiate between loser and looser...
or between Your and You're.
Everyone makes typos.
Everyone makes mistakes.
But this is just stupidity.
Does it hurt?
Is that why you are always YELLING?
- R O S E (see it's not that hard)

"People say that if I just tell them everything I’ll be left alone, but God, you think if I tell people they’ll leave me alone?"

Hi Rose!
I just wanted to say how much I love your blog! I read it everyday and you always make me smile. I don't know how you do it! How do you put up with all the hate?
I don't understand why people who don't agree with you continue to come to your blog and read it.How does that make any sense at all? I know if I don't like something I don't seek it out. Please keep up the good work, you are one of the few 
sane and rational Rob/Kristen supporters out there!
Thank You, Rose!
-Loyal Reader

Dear Reader.
Thank YOU!
It's always so nice to know that people out there "GET" me.
And it's also good to know that there are a lot more 
'sane and rational' fans of Robert and Kristen
than the irrational haters.
Because I'm like you... Why waste time on things
you don't like?
Like making Tumblrs/blogs/Forums just to hate
 a girl you don't know 
And endlessly talk about her ALL the time?
Who does that?
I don't get that logic... but then again...
Logic has nothing to do with it, does it?
Love and Hugs

"Is it weird to do sexual scenes with such a close friend? Is that a bit odd?"
"No, we do it all the time."-Rob *laughs*

To Rose- You are the scariest lunatic out there. You think you are so smart but you don't know anything at all. Rob and the Beef are only together in your pathetic imagination. You do realize that they are only doing this because they have to? Its in their contracts. After BD is over with you will never see them together again.The Beef is a flaming lesbian and Rob is just trying to save her career. You just don't get it do you? Stop with all the dog stuff too. It's pretty obvious that Beefy adopted a dog from the same litter as Rob so that people would THINK that she was with his dog. All this time have we seen one picture of Rob with Bear? No. I can't believe how stupid you are and how you will believe anything the media feeds you. You laugh at PRsten but its the truth. Rob wants nothing to do with that coked out whore. Stupid bitch. Get a life.

I really don't even know how to respond to this.
The Beef?
The depth and scope of your bitter jealousy towards Kristen
knows no limitations at all, does it?
And yes.
I'm SO SURE Kristen adopted a puppy from the same litter as Rob
JUST so people would think she was with his dog.
And she put a BEAR dog collar on it too.
Or did she just name it Bear?
When you can't stand what is right in front of your face
Haters like you always manage to twist it into conspiracy theories
or better yet...
Fall back on good ol' reliable PR.
Well, I guess it is better than the whole
(whatever happened to that one... pray tell?)
that has crashed and burned.
I guess you should stick to PR because
that will always cover your ass whenever you 
need to rationalize WHY Rob and Kristen 
were seen together
(no doubt cuddling and kissing)
As for the whole lesbian bullshit.
How convenient that Rob would dedicate years of his life
not only pretending to be in a relationship with her
but covering for her...
that is of course when shes not busy doing her co-stars
or still in a relationship with MA.
Whatever works at the moment... Right?
-The other other white meat.

"Appreciate what you’ve got and follow your heart and you’re all good. Don’t over complicate things."

Rose- Why do you care so much about what Nonste*ns have to say? You are always talking about the 'hyenas' and 'foamers'. Why don't you just ignore them and go about your day? Why can't people like you and that Becausewenot twitter let them alone? People actually hiding on a locked forum just to spy on them? Are people so worried about what they might have to say? We just want to have a place where that girl isn't constantly shoved down our throats all the time, or where we can just talk about Rob without her. You wouldn't even know what to blog about if it wasn't for us. You really are a stupid bitch. People hate you almost as much as Delaney.
-No love
Oh good Lord.
The poor put upon Nonnies.
They just want to be left alone!
Can't we hate in peace?
And no...
I know haters have NEVER become members of a certain locked
(Now unlocked)
forum that Delaney posted on.
(and then proceeded to copy and paste her posts)
That would be WRONG.
Right. Hypocrite.
And its not that I care so much what NONsense says...
But good grief
It's just too fucking easy to mock and make fun of.
You just want a place where you don't have Kristen 
shoved down your throats...
All day everyday most of the talk is about...
Wait for it...
Wait. What?
You don't want to have to deal with her in connection
with Robert and his career...
But you constantly tweet and blog
and do tumblrs about her.
And only her.
You scream 
Except you do.
Obsessively so.
And as long as I remain amused
and entertained by what I see?
I will write about it... If I want to.
And by the way...
You do know what a CUR is... right?
Because it suits you...
and your foamy kind.

1. a mongrel dog (kinda like a hyena?),
especially a worthless, vicious or unfriendly one.
2. a mean, cowardly person.

- The Hated Rose
"Thank God that Kristen was with me. So we just adopted one dog. A mutt. We called him Bear."

And last but not least... something from the AT boards.
It seems that every time I am mentioned someone manages
to send it to me.
And while I find it interesting that people 'talk' about me
Their interpretations of my words is way scary.
I mean.
Like WAY scary.
"Rose said something about 2 acres and doubles so what does that mean?"
Who reads that much into simple words?
Did I say WAY scary?
Can I emphasize that a bit more?

Someone sent me this screencap from the ATs
I found it fascinating on many levels.
I have a crew!!!
YaY for me!!
But as to the pictures I have seen of Rob/Kristen?
I think I mentioned it... maybe twice.
And I surely don't LORD it over anyone.
I've seen it.
But that's as far as it goes for me.
I don't have it.
I don't pass it around.
I don't know where it came from.
I hope it never comes to light.
So far.
So good.

OK then.

This post is brought to you by the letter *O*

O for Obsession.
Am I still obsessed?
I don't think so.
I still adore Robert Pattinson..
I think I will for a very very
Long time.
But obsession is a bit strong.

O for Olives
Good on pizza.
An interesting shade of green.

O for OH I miss Tom Sturridge's face...

Bad love letters beg for love back. Good love letters ask for nothing.

I miss that face.
It's a good face.
A beautiful face.
A nice face.

Bye for now

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