Really? How the hell is THIS fair?? |
You live.
You learn.
And I continue learning.
Which is a good thing.
I like to learn.
It keeps life interesting.
Even when you don't always like what you learn.
And before anyone gets their knickers in a twist...
I'm NOT referring to Rob/Kris.
Just about the fandom in general...
some things in particular.
Am I a bitch?
Do I push too many buttons?
Do I needlessly cause drama wherever I go?
I am a bitch.
Not always... but a good part of the time.
I'm kinda good at it.
I kinda enjoy it.
So why wouldn't I be one?
As far as button pushing?
That's just me not being able to pass up
the opportunity to giggle and point at stupidity.
I mean... come on...
Let's be fair.
If you are presented with prime laughing material...
Could you pass it by?
I'm sorry.
If someone is going to shove a big ol' button in my face...
I'm fucking pushing it.
I have zero willpower.
And laughing is always good.
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Sometimes it hurts to look at him... |
I've always understood why the Ninnies didn't like me.
They don't like what I have to say about
They still come here and read my blog
and haunt my twitter...
But I get that they don't want to hear the
About Rob and Kristen.
They don't like my thoughts and opinions...
because they know I'm right.
So I don't blame them.
At all.
It can't be fun being wrong all the time...
and having your Exit Strategies
and Conspiracy Theories
continually fall apart and disintegrate
before your eyes.
ALL the time.
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Seriously... Do you think she looks at Rob like this? |
So what is the 'news' for today?
Rob is in Toronto...
Some people are hoping like hell
That Kristen isn't with him.
And of course...
That MUST mean that they are no longer together.
1. 2 weeks ago...
We all saw how cute and adorable
Rob and Kristen were at the MTV awards.
Pretty obvious how much fun they were having together...
and with each other....
and lets not forget the handholding backstage...
Oh no...
Let's not forget that.
So now you would have me believe...
That they are no longer together
Just because Rob went out for a beer?
Because you haven't seen Kristen?
You honestly don't think Kristen can get
in and out of Toronto without being seen?
How many times do you think she has done it already?
Think about it.
(Get back to me... I will be waiting.)
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No wonder Rob fell in love for the last time... |
2. I get asked A LOT
to prove that Rob and Kristen are together.
I often hear...
"You can't prove they are together
and you can't prove its NOT PR"
I don't have signed documents from
Robert and Kristen
stating they are in a loving and committed relationship.
(I tried...they said no way!)
But I have eyes...
and a brain.
And 1+1 still equals 2.
And while there's not signed proof its not PR...
(Nope, no signed document for that either)
If you are a fan of Robert Pattinson...
and a fan of Kristen Stewart...
And you have listened to them talk about such things...
and their feelings/thoughts on relationships
on fame
on keeping personal things... personal.
If you paid attention to what they actually said...
In their own words...
You would KNOW
That neither one of them would EVER
fucking ever
pimp out their private lives
or sacrifice their privacy
for the sake of a movie.
It's ridiculous.
They both have stated to the contrary.
Rob recently dashed any talk of a studio
telling him what to do in his life...
While it's not written on a stone tablet somewhere...
I will take Rob and Kristen's words for it.
(And the fact they always end up together
being all kissy and cuddly)
And before I get shouted at that they
said they were 'not dating' or 'just friends'
at one time...
That was YEARS ago they said those things.
They stopped answering those questions LONG ago.
Coincidentally around the same time
that they started seeing each other.
Around that time.
Get it?
Got it?
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Kristen. Kristen. Kristen. Kristen... |
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I hated seeing sad Robert... |
Final thought.
Oh ye of little faith.
Robert and Kristen
are still together.
Remember that summer...
When Rob was making Remember Me in NYC
and Kristen was in California...
and they both looked so damn unhappy
and soooo miserable?
They aren't going to repeat that.
(it was on the note)
I have never seen Robert look as sad as he did during that shoot.
And when they were reunited?
It just kept getting better from there... didn't it?
Yes it did.
I would say its only been 2 weeks...
But I'm thinking it hasn't even been THAT long
And who's to say...
Where Kristen is...
Right this moment?
Will we know?
This is where I do my
It's not that serious...
and the 2 people you saw at the MTV awards...
didn't just fall out of love in a matter of hours.
Don't be silly.
This post is brought to you by the letter *P*
P for Please lighten the fuck up.
It's good.
It's better than good.
It's great.
P for ...
I don't have a P for this.
I just wanted to say...
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Sometimes I have no words. Not very often... but sometimes. |
I miss Tom Sturridge.
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Just Because. |
Green Sheep People!
That's all.
Bye for now
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