Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rob and Kris-- It's That Easy...

He knows exactly what he does to us...

One of my biggest problems when I sit down to write a post...
is I have so many other windows open
and I don't just focus on what is going through my head.
Flipping back and forth...
Trying to keep up with everything
and still put my thoughts into words.
I kinda suck at it lately.

I know I have said this before...
(and you know I will say it again)
But sometimes the negativity just gets to me.
And yeah...
I know I contribute... OK?
I know I laugh and poke fun at peoples desperation.
But I don't make it personal.
If you get angry with what I write...
If you believe I'm talking about you?
That's your fault.
Not mine.
I'm not to blame that you see yourself in my words.
I don't point fingers at anyone specific.
People seem to think I'm talking about them.
Just about them.
What does that say?
It says something that I haven't said in a very long time
If the shoe fits...
Slide that bitch on.
Although I'm guessing it pinches a bit..
and might be somewhat tight.
It's your fucking shoe.
And its not my fault you squeezed your foot into it
and it hurts.

Beautiful Stunning Kristen.

So where does this leave me?
I'm not a 'news' blog.
I mean...
I write about current topics.
Add my thoughts and observations...
But I only post once a day
(if that)
So being an up to date blog isn't my thing.
There are a million already out there
doing the same thing.
And I'm in no way interested in competing for scoops and pics.
And I know I can be a snarky bitch at times.
I own it.
But how many ways can I say that I think
Robert Pattinson is fucking gorgeous?
(he is)
Or say how Naturally Beautiful Kristen Stewart is?
(she is)
or how often do I have to write that
Robert and Kristen
are obviously gloriously in love
and deliriously happy together?
I never get tired of that.

Sometimes I think that I shouldn't read my email.
I get sent so much shit.
(You have seen some of it)
But I mean negative stuff.
I read it...
It kinda gets me going...
and then I bring out the paddle and start stirring.
Why do I bother?
I have no illusions that my blog is going to change
anyones mind when it comes to Rob/Kris
(I decided to call her Kris... mostly because
I know it annoys people and there is something about
annoying people with a simple word that is so appealing)
I don't write this blog to change minds.
I don't expect those that hate... to stop hating.
So that brings me to this...
Am I a hater?
Do I hate the haters?

Walk. Walk. Walk.

I don't hate anyone here.
I don't spend hours of my time...
endlessly ranting and raving about someone I don't know.
I don't hate people because of the clothes they wear...
or that they like to kick off their heels as soon as they can.
I don't hate someone because *I* think they should smile more
and then when she does smile?
I don't complain about her smiling and call her a famewhore.
I don't hate someone because they don't behave the way *I* think they should.
I don't hate someone because she doesn't hold hands the right way...
or walk the right way... or pose the right way.
I don't hate someone because they are shy and awkward in public.
I don't hate someone because they are rich and famous and beautiful
and lord knows I don't hate someone because she happens to hold
the heart of one of the most fascinating men in the world.
And I most certainly don't hate someone enough
to have a blog/tumblr/twitter
for the sole reason to hate.

That would be silly.
And irrational.
And kinda sad and pathetic.
Don't you think?
(Remember the shoe... does it fit?)

Put your head on my shoulder... whisper in my ear... baby. (Or nibble on it...whatever works)

So I apologize for being so reflective today...
And not talking about 
Rob and KRIS
and how Kris is probably back in LA as I write this...
and how I know much will be made about that fact
but how I also know that Toronto is on the itinerary
Did I say 'know'?
Yeah. I did.
Because when Kristen and Rob can be together...
They are.
They always are.
And no matter how many old pictures
and old bullshit 
and co-stars 
and nights out 
you throw out there...
They will be together again.
And again.
And again.
Because that's what couples do.
And that's what Rob and Kristen continue to do.
And look adorably cute and lovely doing it.
Oh so cute.

And that brings us to ...

Green Sheep.

He doesn't look too happy here.
Not that I blame him.
But I still find him adorable.
I do.
I can't help it.
Even with all that hair...
and that wretched hat.
That he obviously loves.
Tom Sturridge is all kinds of cute.

This post is brought to you by the letter *K*

K for KRIS
It really is too easy... you know?
And who am I to pass up an opportunity to laugh?

K for KISS
people want to take Rob's kiss with Taylor
as some sort of victory ...
I thought it was a great move
and we got to hear Kristen call him 'honey'.

K for Knowing.
Knowing that when Kristen is in London
for filming SWATH...
Someone will be by her side as much as possible.
And I don't mean Tom.
Although I'm sure we will see him too...
Which is a good thing.

Bye for now

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