Monday, May 17, 2010

Rob and Kristen- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Where do I begin?
To tell the story of how great a love can be...
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth...
But that corny song has been in my head.
Kinda scary.



Cute picture... yes?
Love it.
And love how Rob can't seem to stop looking
at Kristen.
More on that later.

So there was an interview on USA TODAY
It was absolutely adorable.
Can you tell I'm smiling through just my words?
Big smile folks.

Here's an excerpt...
"Although, lately, the frenzy has calmed somewhat, judging by the number of Twilight-free magazine covers at grocery checkouts. “I don’t know if this is the actual reason why, but we have gotten better at hiding over the last year,” Pattinson says.
“That’s totally the reason,” Stewart concurs. “They just make up a story to go along with the pictures. If they never get the picture, there’s no story. We are just good hiders now.”
Such subterfuge includes neither confirming nor denying that they are in a relationship. Yet there clearly is some sort of special connection between the two, what with their playful teasing and personal asides. Let’s just say it wasn’t Lautner who placed a hand on Pattinson’s leg during a portion of the interview."


WE have gotten better at hiding over the last year.
WE are just good hiders now.
It wasn't Lautner who placed a hand on Pattinson's leg



Sure, this pic is ALL for PR.
They are trying to sell more tickets for Eclipse.
Because without this picture of Rob 
getting all cute and adorable with Kristen...
Eclipse would probably fail.
Robert can't seem to focus on anyone...
Anything else.
"The girl, the girl... THAT GIRL"
It's like he's expecting her to turn her head and...
Well. You have imaginations.


Rob and Kristen were 'spotted' out to dinner on Saturday.
(No, this is not a picture of that dinner)
Many were saying it was a birthday celebration.
Of course we knew these two knuckleheads
would be together...
Aren't they always?

A couple of sightings...
Take them as you wish.

First Facebook.
Some random guy.
Talking randomly about Rob/Kristen

 Brent R Ba*** - Hangin w/my friends at the Ritz & Roberts Pattison & Kristen Stewart from Twilight are next to us! Don't see the hype. :)

Brent R Ba***-They seemed like really nice kids.. just really happy being together enjoying the night. Brandon bummed a smoke off of em'., thought that was funny. They were in their own world. Ahh, young love
 Then Twitter...

  EARLIER: Kristen Stewart + Robert Pattinson bday wknd dinner @ Ritz-Carlton (Laguna) "They're staying there" (Sat 9:25p)

Awww.... so sweet.
The "Robsten" bubble.
Isn't it wonderful that Robert got to spend
his 24th birthday with the important people 
in his life... i.e. Kristen?

And one more GOOD

Catherine Hardwicke.
I have mixed emotions about her.
She DID cast Robert and Kristen.
She was there from the very first day.
The beginning of Robert falling for Kristen.
She is a bit 'chatty' sometimes...
But it does make for interesting reading.
So.. There was this "TWI-Convention" thingy...
Lots of cast members talking.
CH was there... talking...
and there were people on Twitter who 
were there... tweeting what she was saying.
and that leads us to...

Mandys***- Catherine says about Kristen Stewart, "We may hate her because she's with Rob, but she does a great job"

 WE may hate her?
I adore her.
And her being with Robert doesn't affect 
my feelings for her one bit.
Or my feelings for Robert, I might add.
She may be Chatty Cathy...
but she was THERE... you know?


Well. You expected this, didn't you?
Drooling and foaming...
The pack was circling and attacking all night long.
First the random guy who obviously was putting that stuff
on facebook for... attention.
Or PR. Yeah... He's on Summits payroll!!

And I'm sure IF Rob and Kristen were having dinner...
They were only doing it to get papped...
for PR.
Because... well.. that's what they do.
They seek out the paparazzi...
*insert eyeroll smiley here*
Even though they said they were good at hiding
(and they have gotten quite stealthy) 
And no Paps did get any pictures...
They are bound to be seen by random strangers.
They are kinda famous, you know.

Then they circled CH
Calling her all sorts of names.
Telling her to SHUT UP.
Oh wait...
CH was doing it for PR!!!
Of course she was.
CH was trying to sell tickets for Eclipse.
Oh. No. Um... wait...
She is working for Summit.
Of course it's PR! PR! PR!


Poor sad, desperate Hyenas.

They are still clinging to the insane PR bullshit.
I guess I understand...
It is the only thing that is keeping them from 
turning on each other at this point.
Can you imagine a hyena frenzy?
I think we are pretty close.

Rabies is really ugly.
It messes with reasoning and logic.
But the snarling and foaming is ridiculous.

"I can't respect Rob anymore.
I won't have anything to do with him if this is true"

"Kristen is the one who follows him around.
She's so desperate."

"Every picture of them together is staged.
It's ALL PR! Why can't people see that?"

"It makes perfect sense for Rob and Kristen 
to put their love life on hold for a few years
while Summit promotes the Twilight Saga."

"I put my hand on my friends thigh ALL the time!!!
AND I let him sniff my hair. ALL THE TIME!"

"It makes perfect sense for Kristen to travel
around the world to get a picture of her
and Rob for PR!
I do that ALL THE TIME!"

"IF they are together? It won't last!" 


Pathetic Rants.
So... to cleanse our minds 
of the bitter foam..
Let's go to...

Short hair.

I kinda like Rob's hair the way he has been
wearing it lately...
Not quite the long 'sex' hair...
Not really the short "I'll cut my hair if I want to" hair...
More like the Remember Me hair.
But let's be honest here, shall we?

I love Robert Pattinson.
He could shave his head...
And it wouldn't matter to me.


Bye for now

***Foam Flood Alert***
I suggest you start building that ark...
Just don't bring the hyenas.

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