Monday, May 24, 2010

Rob and Kristen- How Do I Live Without You?

I guess it's the end of the world.
The End.
I'm not sure how I can go on...
I mean... seriously.

"It looks like the big lurve has ended.
Rob buying a guitar alone and Kristen being on a concert alone."
(Yes, someone actually wrote that.) 

Honestly... How can that be??
Rob bought a guitar... ALONE???
Kristen went to a concert... ALONE???
I don't understand it.
How could Robert and Kristen EVER do
anything... ALONE?
How can love survive that???? 

*Please note that the above is dripping with sarcasm*

Good fucking Grief.
People are fucking lunatics.
That's all that comes to mind.

If Kristen is hanging out with Rob...
Then she's a desperate clinger with no friends.
They constantly scream "PR! PR! PR!"
Kristen does a little road trip with friends...
Goes to a concert...
And now it means she's just not that into him.
Or they are just "Friends With Benefits"

Good fucking Grief.
My husband goes on Golf trips with his buddies...
I've gone to Vegas with girlfriends...
In normal relationships
Stuff like that happens.
The keyword here is NORMAL
Something the Hyenas don't seem to grasp.
Kristen is going to be VERY busy the next few weeks...
I think it's awesome she got to hang out with her friends
and go listen to music and enjoy herself.
How very NORMAL of a 20 year old girl.

And get your umbrellas handy, folks...
Oh yes.
Rob, Kristen and Taylor 
will be presenting an Eclipse clip at the 

And outside of being happy to be able to see
them at the show (together)
Now it makes BEST KISS all the more interesting.

Oh there is major foaming at this...
They can't stand it!
"I'm voting for Taylor and Taylor to win Best kiss!!"


Are we going to see something like this again?
Maybe this time they will actually...
I'm completely serious about the umbrellas...
Boots, goggles, gloves...
Whatever you think will protect you from all
the foaming.
The shit's gonna get deep...
and they are still 2 weeks away.

Remember this picture?
Taken right after they arrived at the MTV show last  year?
Looking all disheveled and fluffed...
Rob re-buttoned his shirt wrong.
Both Kristen's and Rob's hair looks like
fingers were running through it...

Can't wait to see what this award show will bring.
It will be...

So let the Sad Hyenas cling to Kristen's Roadtrip.
It doesn't mean anything...
and well...
It's all they have.
It's not easy being a Hyena...
All that drooling foam
The flies... The fleas...
Dealing with Rabies... 
Eating off dead carcasses.
Scavenging for anything to make themselves...
Not So Sad.
Let them bark about Kristen and Taylor
being in Australia and Korea without Rob
(Who is obviously working) 
Let the mutts have that scrap
They are starving after all...
Bye for now

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