It's about as dead online as I've ever seen it.
No new drama
(I know!)
No new pics
No new... Nothing.
(and of course after I post this...
some huge drama will unfold!)
I know the onslaught is about to begin...
And I am trying to prepare myself
for weeks and weeks
of angst and stomach aches...
Oh... and get this.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit this.
I already bought my tickets to Eclipse.
I have NEVER done that before.
I kinda feel like a giddy lunatic.
OK, so normally I wouldn't have bought them in advance...
But I am going out of town the next day
out of reach of all things Eclipse for about a week...
I just HAD to see this movie right away!
So we got a couple of 'reserved' seats.
I like that idea.
I don't have to worry about where we are going to sit.
And it's on the ULTRA SCREEN.
Huge bitchin' screen.
Edward. Bella.
And here comes the angst...
I started reading the Twilight books again.
Not quite sure why...
Until recently I was on the FanFic roller-coaster.
I have... oh ... about a zillion fanfics in progress.
It got to be overwhelming.
Reading 20 different chapters of 20 different stories a day...
With 20 different Edwards
And 20 different Bellas
I'm dizzy just writing about it.
So I stopped.
Well, outside of a select few that I could never quit.
I decided to pick up Twilight.
Back when the Twilight movie just came out...
I was reading all of the Twilight Series
Back to back to back to back
(That includes what is available of Midnight Sun)
An endless cycle.
Because I couldn't get enough of Edward.
Until I found FanFiction
And now it seems
The books don't have the same OOMPH anymore.
I'm on the back end of "New Moon" right now.
And while I still like the books...
I keep waiting for Edward and Bella to have mad
passionate sex...
I mean...
FanFic Edward is always so damn HOT!
And I have a certain draw to Vampire Edward, too...
Don't get me wrong...
"Wide Awake" Edward was awesome.
So many other FF Edwards blew my mind.
Vampire or no.
But there is something about the immortal
strong passionate possessive Edward
That I adore.
Where is Kristen Stewart these days?
Did she run away and join the circus?
Rob starts work today on WFE.
Busy busy boy.
Especially when he gets to go home...
Couple of closing thoughts.
1. Lots of speculation on Kristen's necklace.
isn't it all pretty?
It almost looks like someone had it made for her.
Just like Kristen.
Wonder who...
2. I know that sarcasm is easily lost on the written word.
But do you HONESTLY believe that Kristen
didn't know that Robert admired Jack Nicholson?
That cling almost make me feel sorry for you.
3. For some reason... people seem to think
that if Rob is working on WFE...
He will have NO spare time to spend with Kristen.
"Rob couldn't have been with Kristen... he's working"
How do any actors maintain any kind of relationships
in their life if they are never allowed to leave
a movie set?
Good Grief.
4. Have I stirred the pot enough?
Chew on this.
Kristen is a magnet to Robert.
When he is with her...
He can't take his eyes off of her.
He stares at her.
He can't stop smiling.
He gravitates towards her...
Is pulled to her.
He always seems to want to touch her..
Brushing her arm...
Her leg...
Nuzzling his nose in her hair...
How does that taste?
*Dries off paddle
puts it away for another day*
Bye for now
But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be
Is always better than nothing
There's nothing at all
But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be
Is always better than nothing
There's nothing at all
But what a fool believes he sees
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