It's been an interesting week, hasn't it?
Rumors galore.
Drama running rampant.
Robert and Kristen on Oprah.
And my email...
Comments on this blog...
Have been fascinating.
Or Negatively...
Thought I would share a couple with you.
Dear Rose,
I just wanted to thank you for always supporting
Rob and Kristen on your blog.
There is so much hate out there for this young couple
and it's always nice to be able to come here
and read positive things about them.
Keep up the good work!
- Robsten Fan
Dear RF,
I'm glad you appreciate my blog...
and I'm more than happy to share my thoughts with you.
But it's not work... It's just something to do!
Thanks for the kind words.
Poor Rose.
You are so pathetic. You keep going on about how
Rob and Stewface are together, but you still have NO PROOF.
Blurry pictures in airports prove nothing.
It's obvious that this is "PRsten"
They only do this because they have to, not because they want to.
When will you wake up and smell the coffee?
Rob only likes Stewface as a friend, if that.
Once the Twilight movies are over, they will be, too.
What will you do then?
Poor Rose.
-Pointing and Laughing
Dear Pointy,
Do you ever tire of screaming PROOF?
Look around you. See all those pictures of
Robert and Kristen TOGETHER?
What more do you need?
You scream PR but obviously have no concept
what PR means.
And it's not PATHETIC RANTS.
Although it is applicable in this case.
Rose you are such a stupid sheep.
Rob and Kristen scream PR!
They conveniently show up at airports to get
their pictures taken,
But there are never any pictures of them doing anything
not PR related.
Baaaaaaaaaaa Sheep.
You are too stupid to see what is in front of you.
Kristen doesn't even like Rob,
She looks miserable everytime you see them together.
Stupid sheep.
You are so desperate to have them together
that your brain has stopped working properly.
Dumb Sheep.
- I hate sheep
Dear Animal Hater,
Robert and Kristen don't CONVENIENTLY
show up at airports...
Airports are kinda hard to avoid if
you want to get on an airplane.
And again with the PR.
PR makes absolutely NO SENSE.
If they were doing this for publicity...
you would think there would be lots of
PDA caught by the cameras.
If hiding from the paps and
staying out of the spotlight as much as possible
is your idea of PR...
It's pretty clear that it means
Do something about that, OK?
It's highly contagious.
Oops... too late.
Dear Rose,
I feel sorry for you.
You are a stupid sheep who follows a duck.
What has happened to your leader now?
You are both delusional duck cunts.
You are lost without her made up stories.
You look like an idiot.
Quack quack.
-I have my sources
Hyenas and Sheep and Ducks!
This has become quite the zoo!
Let's see...
Sheep are all soft and cuddly...
and they don't hurt anyone.
Ducks are cute and cuddly...
and they don't hurt anyone.
Hyenas are fucking scavengers
who rip and tear at anyone who doesn't
agree with their point of view.
They snarl and foam at the mouth...
and make this bullshit personal.
Hyenas eat anything.
And I have no doubts they will
turn on each other soon enough.
Oh and one more thing...
Hyenas eat Shit.
That's all for now.
It was worth a couple of giggles... yes?
I love this picture of Rob and the guitar.
What a cool idea.
So great that she asked Robert to sign it...
but now I wonder who else did?
Couple of closing thoughts.
1. I want to thank all the people who take time
to comment on this blog.
The kind words.
The positive point of view.
I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Thank you.
2. I honestly get more good emails and comments
than bad ones.
But the negative ones are just SO funny!
And to be honest...
Reading some of the delusional bullshit
actually hurts my brain.
It makes no sense.
3. Whether you believe Robert and Kristen
are 'together' or not matters little.
But it is certain that they like to spend
as much time as possible with each other.
Telling Oprah that Kristen was 'pregnant'
wasn't a denial.
It was a joke.
It was a deflection.
Did you really think they were going to come
out on national TV and declare their love for each other?
Have you not been paying attention?
Well... as usual...
The debate continues.
And so it goes.
Bye for now.
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