Friday, July 1, 2011

Robert and Kristen-- Maybe


Is it wrong that when I saw the pics/video of Rob
getting all mad at the 'paps' in the scene from Cosmopolis...
That I had to smile?
He's just not scary.
Even angry Robert is all kinds of cute.
Maybe its just me...
Maybe Robert really is all bad ass when he's pissed off...
But he is just so adorkable and stuff to be all tough.
Maybe its just me.

Do I sense some sarcasm?
Sweet Kristen.
I love how she's smiling at the camera here.
Is she really smiling?
Could it be a sarcastic smile?

Kristen has looked gloriously happy since the
MTV Award show.
Her and Rob were so giddy and sweet that night...
and Kristen hasn't stopped smiling since.
Every time we've seen her.
Why so happy Kristen?
She looks so content...
So satisfied.
So... In love.


So close... yet so far.

I did it again.
I asked.
I received.
Every time I ask for a picture of Tom
I get one.
Of course.... Sienna is always there too
But its kinda cool.
Its always good to see Tom...
Even with all the hair and that hat.
He doesn't look so happy in this picture
He was like following 50 paces behind her
(I conveniently used a picture that she wasn't in)
And Sienna
(Who I don't hate btw... so shut up)
Looked even more unhappy.
Which kinda surprised me because she always seemed
so happy to see cameras taking her picture.
I adore Tom.

Do you think if I asked for a picture 
of Rob and Kristen it would happen too?
I don't want swarms of paparazzi to descend on them...
Maybe a simple fan pic
You know.
Kinda like the one we got from IOW that year.
Remember that?
The little girl who spotted them...
No one believed Kristen was there then either.
Or in Budapest.
Or in London.
Or anywhere Robert is.
Sometimes we don't get pictures until MUCH later.
One simple fan pic...
That's all.

Its been almost 4 weeks since we have seen them together.
I know we have gone through longer periods of time before...
And the same bullshit drama followed them then too
But it doesn't really matter does it?
Rob will be done soon enough with Cosmopolis.
Kristen will be heading to London for SWATH.
And I know some people are hoping against hope
that Robert doesn't follow her there...
But after Cosmo... he might actually have some time off.
And what better place to go than London?
Let's face it.
It's ALL about Kristen.
We all know it.

People can shove costars and directors daughters
at Robert all they want.
But there's nothing beyond work there.
There has never been more than that.
If there was... it would have been all over the place.
All we've seen are a couple of pictures of Caitlyn Croneberg
doing her job on the set of the movie.
And Rob doing his job.

Get the fuck OFF.

Women who have close proximity to Rob
seem to bring out the worst in some people.
They all get hit with the fanatical side of this fandom.
It's scary.
It's embarrassing.
But remember...
No one gets hit harder than Kristen.
Day in 
Day out
For years now.

And yet...
Robert still loves Kristen.
Day in
Day out.
For years now.

Green Sheep. Forever.

This post is brought to you by the letter *H*

H for Happy 4th of July!
I will be scarce
(but hopefully be able to pop in)
for the next few days...
So everyone have a great weekend...
Be happy.
Be safe.

H for Hilarious.
Excuses are already flying
PR is at the ready.


This is nothing.
Wait and see.

Bye for now

Clue for the weekend.


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