Oh good fucking grief.
Oh how I weep for this fandom sometimes.
Let's see....
1. Rob was at a wrap party for Cosmopolis last night.
And its like the floodgates of stupidity opened up!
Yeah. OK.
Hasn't he always smoked?
I know some people would like to think this is
some sort of harbinger of doom on
Rob and Kristen's relationship.
It was speculated that both Rob and Kristen
had tried to stop smoking (or at least slow down)
because neither of them were spotted with
cigarettes in hand lately...
and if you follow Rob and Kristen
They always seem to have cigarettes in hand.
Yeah, sure...
The lunatic fringe wanted it to be about
Kristen being pregnant or some such nonsense...
she's prepping for a physical part in a movie
Surely a pregnancy makes NO sense?
Not that sense ever stopped anyone before.
So now that Rob was seen with a cigarette...
and Kristen
(oh this is good shit)
was spotted with a lighter poking out of her jean pocket
(by people who don't really LOOK THAT CLOSELY.. heh)
Surely this is some sign of the apocalypse... right?
And oh...
Let's not forget that Caitlyn Croneberg
was seen in Robert's vicinity.
He smiled at her!!!
The guy just wrapped on a movie...
And he can't even fucking go out and enjoy a party
with the cast and crew
without the same lame fucking bullshit drama.
It seems there was some deranged asshat
who was tweeting Caitlyn a lot of vicious disgusting shit...
Just for standing next to Rob and smiling.
Hopefully the account has been taken care of...
and the person institutionalized
but one thing...
The person who tweeted that sickening bullshit
is NO fan of Robert's.
No way.
No how.
(But nice try.)
See Kris.
See Kris Run.
Run Kris Run.
See Kris
See Kris walk
Walk Kris Walk
The point?
Kristen is being stalked by very persistent paparazzi.
Going to get her passport renewed?
Do we need to see that?
Horseback riding..
While mildly interesting the first time...
Do we need to see it again?
And really...
Kristen gets rear-ended by a lady (driving a Jag, no less)
And its front page news.
I mean...
The guy just kept taking picture after picture
after picture.
Wouldn't a few have told the story?
Did you have to just sit there snapping away?
And really...
People think she calls the fucking paps?
Kristen Stewart.
Who has very vocally declared her intense dislike
of that particular base of human being...
And how they harass and stalk her.
I'm faced with this whole dilemma of posting these pictures.
It's like...
I love steak.
I really really love steak.
But if I actually sat down and thought about where
the steak comes from...
and saw what they did to get the steak...
I might not ever eat steak again.
I would probably become a vegetarian...
You follow?
I'm usually oblivious to the extremes that
Kristen and Robert are exposed to when stalked by the paps.
I mean...
We see the pictures...
and they look like they are just walking to a car...
or through an airport...
or down a street...
(run Rob run)
But when you actually see the videos...
It makes you pause... doesn't it?
The cameras in their faces...
The flashing lights in their eyes...
The people shouting and yelling
usually obscene things to get a response
They get so close...
And they don't care about them as human beings.
That time...
When Rob was caught in the street
determined NOT to let them follow him home...
And he just stood there
and they just kept taking the pictures...
and it didn't matter that they were all the same
they just kept taking the pictures...
because they could.
And even when Rob pleaded with them
(and God... Rob... pleading... breaks my heart)
They didn't fucking care.
They just kept taking pictures anyway.
If I think about that
If I think how the pics were taken
how they were obtained...
what they shouted at Kristen
or how they followed her to her parents home...
How they just sit there and keep shooting
even though she is just taking stuff out of her car
and putting it in another.
Pretty mundane.
Pretty boring.
Pretty ordinary.
Kristen can't do anything ordinary
without it being seen.
Being watched.
If I think about those details...
I might never post another pap pic again.
But I love steak.
So much.
I try to push where it comes from out of my mind.
Just because I want to have my steak
and eat it too...
But I won't wish for any pictures...
I won't long for that sneaky peek into
Rob and Kristen's life
I will be satisfied with what they are willing to give me.
What they are willing to share.
I can do that.
I can try...
So... we know Rob had part of his head shaved
for Cosmopolis...
Will he end up looking like this?
I don't have a problem with that.
Short hair.
Long hair.
Greasy hair.
Combed hair.
Is it Rob's hair??
Then I'm good.
I'm more interested in if we will see this sometime soon...
(After Comic Con)
Perhaps heading over to London?
You know that Kristen is going...
And come on now
YOU KNOW Rob will be there too.
It's just a matter of time...
Because sooner or later...
Rob and Kristen
end up together.
Oh yes indeedy
You know they do.
Oh my.
Someone sent this to me.
Isn't it all kinds of cute?
Tom and Dr. Teeth.
I love it.
I love Muppets.
I love Tom.
Ain't nothing wrong with that.
This post is brought to you by the letter *B*
B for blame.
Stop lumping the lunatics
into any section of the fandom...
The loonies aren't real fans of either
Rob or Kristen.
They just want an excuse to hate.
And they use Rob and/or Kristen to do it.
B for Bwahahahaha!
Remember that time when they
wanted to believe it was her BROTHER??
B for
Bye for now
Green Sheep.
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