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How can you not LOVE this picture? |
Big Robert Weekend.
Water For Elephants
It was magnificent.
I love listening and watching Robert talk.
He's just so damn charming.
So adorable.
So... Rob.
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Rob seems to have this effect on women... |
Random Thoughts.
OK... maybe not so random.
But I gotta start somewhere... right?
1. Rob and Reese did a lot of interviews this weekend...
And they are incredibly sweet together.
Reese is wonderful.
Just wonderful.
She's witty and has a great sense of humor
and she always looks gorgeous.
I loved seeing her and Rob laugh together
and kid around and make jokes.
I'm so happy that Rob got to work with someone like Reese
So classy.
Robert and Reese have wonderful chemistry.
You KNOW WFE will be phenomenal.
*There's a pic of Rob/Reese holding hands
and of course the predictable
Just goes to show you how much
the pics of Rob/Kristen holding hands
bothers the living shit out of them.
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The man is always thinking. |
2. Let's address the whole leaked pictures thing.
More were released last night.
Did I see them?
Yeah... they were all over the place in a matter of seconds.
I have no idea how people get these pictures.
Any private pictures for that matter.
I can only assume that some of those have come from
Robert's personal account as well.
This is what Robert had to say:
It wasn’t just the content of the leaked images that bothered Pattinson so much — “It’s raw footage: It’s not even what people are going to see,” he noted — but the intention behind it. “Why do this maliciously? You’re not a fan. You’re just a dick,” he said, once again with a laugh, adding,”That’s all there is to it.
As I've stated before
I've looked at the pics.
I can't help it.
I'm curious. I'm nosy.
I can at least admit it.
But I don't RT the links on Twitter.
I don't post the pics here on my blog.
I have no idea where they are coming from.
And how they keep getting away with it.
But it does upset me that Rob is so pissed.
He really doesn't need to deal with this shit too.
People keep hacking into HIS email account?
How does someone do that and not feel like complete shit?
And honestly...
I don't get the motive.
Like Rob said...
They aren't selling the pics
(that we know of)
So why just slowly leak them out?
It IS malicious... isn't it?
And they aren't fans of Robert, Kristen
or of Twilight.
I've looked at pictures that were sent to me.
(And yeah... I liked seeing some of them)
And I will continue to look at the pictures.
Does that make me a bad guy?
I don't think so.
I'm not the one hacking into peoples private accounts
I'm not the one leaking raw footage and personal pics.
It does get rather frightening the lengths people go to
to get their hands on something that doesn't belong to them.
And the thing is...
I'm not even sure of the hackers agenda.
To hurt Breaking Dawn?
Because even those the pics weren't meant to be seen...
I'm guessing it has amped up some peoples desires to see this movie.
Does the hacker want to hurt Robert and Kristen?
I cannot imagine anyone wanting to do that.
I give a shit about Summit...
But don't fucking MESS with Robert and Kristen.
You don't want to fucking GO there.
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Best Buddies. |
3. So where does that leave us?
People are pointing fingers ALL over the place for the leaks.
The only thing I'm guilty of... is looking at them.
(OK, so I squeeee'd a bit too)
Unlike some people...
I have no motive to disparage Rob or Kristen.
Or the Twilight Saga.
And if I were looking for 'hits' like so many other blogs/tumblrs
I would have immediately posted the pics.
And that's not a criticism for those who did...
Just that its not what I'm about.
And yeah...
There are people who just want to prove that they are 'insiders'
so they will go too far to validate their claim...
But as you all know...
I'm no insider.
Never claimed to be.
Sometimes I hear or see things that are interesting.
That's all.
And last but not least...
Let's discuss Hatesten/Hyenas
(And let's not confuse Hyenas with Nonst*ns... they aren't always the same
Even I can admit there are some decent Nonst*ns out there)
But they are sometimes good entertainment.
Like this...
When the BD pics were first leaked...
They were HOWLING about how Summit was leaking
the pictures to sabotage WFE!!!
"Obvious agenda is obvious!"
"Scummit will do anything to prove they OWN Rob!"
But wait...
THEN when some more pics were released...
it became all about Kristen
"Kristen is jealous of all the attention Rob is getting"
"Kristen is definitely the one behind the leaks"
"Kristen is desperate to stay relevant!"
How fickle is Hatesten?
And now?
Well... because Rob called the Hackers 'shits and dicks"
Of course...
He's talking about 'shippers and sheep".
"Rob knows all about Robsten/Shippers hoarding pics!"
Like you haven't had access to pics too?
I've seen the ones with the tags
I've seen the boastful claims to 'knowing someone'
in the business and seeing stuff you 'can't post'
I love how quickly you forget
your own bragging about inside information.
Just where do you think this stuff comes from?
The shiny Hatesten fairy?
But the biggest guffaw?
"Rob's a Nonnie. Suck on that Sheep"
Yeah. OK.
I may shake my head and wonder about
stuff I read sometimes...
and even though I laugh at some of the NONsense
that is constantly being scraped from the bottom
of that proverbial barrel...
I really try to leave it there.
But to call Robert a Nonnie is pretty fucking sad.
And kinda delusional.
That you even assume he knows you exist at all...
Let alone would take your 'side' against Kristen?
Someone he OBVIOUSLY adores?
Really now??
And sure... point your paw at 'shippers/sheep'
every time someone from the lunatic fringe does
something embarrassing and horrendous
but it works BOTH ways.
It's fucking crazy on both extreme edges of this fandom.
Stop with the broad stroke generalities.
There is a small.
Group of fanatics who do this shit.
Giving every fan a bad name and embarrassing
the living fuck out of everyone.
Because it IS embarrassing.
It's one of the reasons I don't share this with
a lot of people in my 'real' life.
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Just Because. |
Final thought.
When these BD pictures were leaked...
My first thought wasn't who to BLAME.
I wasn't immediately pointing fingers at Hatesten/Nonst*n
I didn't point fingers at anyone.
But if you think about it...
Whoever is doing this...
isn't a fan of Robert or Kristen.
No one who hacks into personal email accounts
is thinking about Robert.
And I can imagine their disappointment at seeing
months of their hard work being shown
in such a rough and unedited form.
I've heard all the talk about the many pictures
that are still out there.
And I've no doubt that is true.
I've seen a few.
I'm even wondering how many hackers there are now...
Is the one who got into Rob's email
the same one who got into Stephenie Meyers?
Who knows.
And will these leaks just keep happening every day?
Just how much material do they really have?
I'm kinda thinking a lot.
Like really a lot.
Because Summit has made a public statement about it...
And Robert has publicly called them shitty dicks.
They sound worried.
Scared even.
Makes you wonder.
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The smiles on your faces tell us everything we need to know... |
Bottom line final thought.
I've been just rambling endlessly about this.
I'm sure repeated myself a few times.
I just can't feel guilty about looking at the leaked pics
and actually enjoying seeing some of them.
Should I feel guilty about where they came from?
But that's mostly because of Rob making a point
of calling out the 'idiots'.
I guess in my zeal in seeing new pictures of
Robert and Kristen
being all sweet and intimate...
I never really thought about WHERE they came from.
The wedding pics?
The pic of Rob/Kristen in front of the Christmas tree?
The drunken bar pictures?
Where did they come from?
Who took those pictures?
Scary indeed.
I won't be a hypocrite and say I won't look at pictures
people send me...
But if the 'leaks' stopped today
I would be OK with that.
No one needs to be hacking and fucking around
where you don't belong.
Leave Robert alone.
He has enough fucking stress from lunatics
stalking/harassing/screaming at him.
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There's a reason he took off his jacket when he saw the cameras... |
Get the Fuck out of Robert's stuff.
This post is brought to you by the letter *L*
Will the dam break?
Who will stick their finger in the hole?
Why does that sound incredibly dirty?
Why am I asking so many questions?
Who do I expect to answer me?
Why am I hungry?
Why is that bird flying into my house?
Why is Robert so fucking handsome and perfect?
Why do I want to protect Kristen Stewart?
What is my fascination with Tom Sturridge?
Why can't people just accept that
L for Laughs.
Gotta enjoy the laughs.
There is always another one around the corner.
And truly.
Laughing is so much better than the bitter anger.
Come on over...
Its nice here.
The grass is really greener!
I apologize for the
rambling ranty randomness
of this post.
Bye for now
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