Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rob and Kristen- 24/7

See Rob and Kristen laugh.
Because funny shit is funny (although still shit)

I have a plethora of pictures of Robert doing what he does best
(in my oh so humble opinion)


Let's have a peek... shall we?

Outside of the WFE premieres...
Not much going on in Rob/Kristen land.
Well... outside of the usual bullshit.
There was an interesting interview from Germany...
Where you can clearly hear what the person is asking
and you can clearly hear what Robert is answering.

Interviewer: In this movie, you have a secret love affair... seems that's what you try to do with your girlfriend as well? Is it hard to have a relationship that is observed 24/7?

Rob: Um... yeah, I just think... I think that its strange to accept that people try to take photographs and stuff...
Mainly because people try and sell it and any kind of life where people are trying to sell every aspect of your life... Things that aren't intended to be sold... it just makes me feel tacky... it makes me feel cheap...
So I prefer, you know... to keep my personal life personal. Try to at least.

So how can one spin this?
She clearly asked him about his girlfriend...
She clearly asked him how hard it was to have a relationship
that is observed 24/7...
Did he deny it in any way?
Did he scoff and deflect?
He just said Yeah... he doesn't like people selling his personal 
relationship... Things that are not intended to be sold...
Makes him feel tacky and cheap...
and he would prefer to keep his personal life... personal.

Now I know the Foam is spewing that hes talking about fame in general
and not talking about Kristen...
But everyone knows he is.
There is NO doubt who and what he is referring to.
So sorry about your 'non denial denial'
I'm afraid that is as dead as your exit strategy theory.

This is getting more fun by the day.
The hour.
The minute.

It's never ending.

Why aren't 'relationship' questions no longer forbidden?
Interesting.... yes?
What will come next?
I can't wait to find out.

Just because.

 This post is brought to you by the letter *D*

D for Denial.
Rob has never denied anything...

D for Delusional
I know the word gets overused...
but my God
It fits.
It's over.

D for Delicious.
That would be Robert.
And Thomas.

D for Do you know where Kristen Stewart is?
I miss her.
I hope we see her... soon.

Bye for now

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