Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rob and Kristen- If You Believe It

It sure does stink...

So I skipped a day from posting.
I seem to be doing that more often...
I think it's because this fucking fandom
needs a big old diaper.
Something with elastic sides and extra thick padding
to hold in all the fucking leaks and shit.

I'm tired of all bullshit about the leaked photos.
People being all self righteous and saintly
Shouting from the top of their golden soapbox
yet still looking at every picture...
You know you do.
I've looked at them.
At least I can admit it.

The leaks aren't even as bad as the shit.
Leaks happen all the time in this fandom.
Someone sends me a picture...
I look at it.
I never really think about WHERE it came from.
I'm just all fangirling over Robert/Kristen.
Not really thinking of the Who/What/Where.
I guess that's changed a bit for me now.
And I have to wonder...
because before Robert actually made comments about
how he feels about the hackers...
No one really was all up in arms.
Yeah, Summit issues this lame statement
asking people to stop looking
(Like you can UN-SEE something)
But people were being their usual snarky selves
poking fun at Summit for being so lame.
But then.
Oh yes.

So handsome... but exhausted.
Robert declared WAR on the Hackers!
Kill and Destroy!
So now everyone is all 
"How dare you look at those pictures!"
"A true fan would never have looked!"
Or something along those lines.
Now all those kiss ass brown nosers
will never shut up about it.

Don't get me wrong.
I think hacking into Robert's personal email fucking sucks.
The guy has so little privacy as it is...
And to take that away from him is disgusting.
And even though I did enjoy one or two of the pics
(or 3 or headboard)
I don't need to see every scene from Breaking Dawn.
I think the amount of material has gotten ridiculous.
And tell me...
Where does 'On The Road' fit into this?
Why do I feel these pictures are all slanted 
to get at Kristen Stewart?
Why is she the main focus?
And please don't fucking tell me she is behind the leaks...
No actress would want those unedited shots out there.
So I guess the better question is...
Who is out to get Kristen Stewart??

I know some haters will vilify her and blame her...
or say that the hacker is a 'shipper' trying to prove something.
But I don't think so.
(And OTR isn't 'Robsten' material, is it?)
I doubt they would just focus so much attention just on Kristen.
Either this is just a part of some grand hacking scheme
(And there does seem to be a hacking epidemic going on)
Or someone is just out to disparage Robert and Kristen...
Particularly Kristen.
Either way...
It's gotten tedious and beyond annoying.

Seriously... does it get ANY cuter? No.

I wish people would just back the fuck off Kristen already.
If you're only a fan of Rob... why do you focus
so much time and energy into hating on Kristen?
Just sit in your 
Delusional Den of Denial
And pretend Robert is a 'Nonnie' 
who hates Kristen as much as you do,
Is incredibly available and single
and looking for sweet schizophrenic love
and once BD is done filming will
Be seen with Kristen ever again!
*The End is Near!*


There really is good stuff coming up.
Bel Ami
Breaking Dawn

So many GOOD things to look forward to.
Rob and Kristen showing up together 

Together is always the keyword, isnt it?
Living in Squamish together.
Vacationing together.
Showing up on sets together.
Flying together.
Watching movies together.
Rescuing dogs together.
Going to weddings together.
Holding hands in Vancouver together.
Kissing in restaurants together.

Together is the keyword.

Tom gets to wear a beanie in the play. Isn't that perfect?

Final thoughts.

1. I don't want to see/hear about fucking picture leaks.
The shine has lost its luster.
I'm scared to wonder just how much stuff these people have.
And I'm scared to what other movies they might hack into...
and I'm scared because I'm not sure what the motive really is.
And I'm really scared because big fucking studios
can't see to keep their shit safe.
Or the people who work for them.
WTF is THAT about?

2. Tom Sturridge.
He's currently performing in a play in London.
I've heard great things.
Wonderful things about his acting.
But I'm not surprised.
He's talented.
And kinda adorable.
And stuff.
(Just Because)

3. I really
Want to be able to enjoy WFE
without all the fucking drama.
Whether Kristen goes to any of the premieres or not
(London's calling... is that considered drama?)
I want to relish this movie for Robert.
I want to savor the moment.
Savor Robert.

4. And please remember the following
when you are reading my blog...

The information, content and images on
these pages are purely in fun
and are in no way meant to cause anyone harm, grief or despair.
If you are sensitive and lack a sense of humor,
please, don't go any further.
Some places, names, and events are fictional
and any resemblance, likeness,
or similarity to any person living or dead
is purely coincidental.

Oh yeah...
would be nice too.

This post is brought to you by the letter *D*

D for Diaper.
I hope they found one sturdy enough to contain the leaks.

D for 
Delusional Den of Denial.
If the Den fits... go hide in it.

D for DELICIOUSLY Handsome.
We all know that the reporter was talking about
Robert being on Kristen's ipod picture.

Bye for now

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