Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rob Loves Kristen Loves Rob

Oh my.

So many thoughts.
So very many.

Let us begin.

1. YES! Rob and Kristen arrived back in Vancouver yesterday!
We got to see Rob and Kristen (kinda)
They got stalked, chased and harassed.
So not cool.
For months now... Rob and Kristen have been
in and out of airports with nary a sighting.
Unfortunately, the Paps were lying in wait
(kinda like Hyenas)
Because they knew the cast was coming.
Oh well.

2. A few pictures of Robert WALKING!!
You know what that means.. right?
Of course you do.
I'm in heaven.
NOTHING is better than watching that man walk.
It just hypnotizes me.

3. And.
There is only one brief pic of Kristen
and a zillion of Rob!
Silly mutts.
Foaming about Kristen again.
Scratch that.
Not again.
It's a continual FOAMING.
They never stop.
Bitter, vile foam.
Does it taste good?

Here's the thing.
She runs and he gets papped...
that's not hard to figure out, is it?
if they walk together the assholes make money.
They aren't going to walk together.
Robert isn't going to rush to 'protect' her.
Kristen has a big burly bodyguard for that.
They purposely stayed apart so they wouldn't be
able to get a shot of them in the same frame.
Kristen gets into the car...
Rob walks through the airport...
They leave her alone.
THAT is taking care of Kristen.

I want my MTV.
4. Nice Jacket.
Rob is SO cute.
Though the jacket looks a bit...snug on him.
I wonder if my hypothetical friend was right?
That the jacket belongs to a member of the Stewart family.
Interesting thought.
I like it though.
Very retro.
Very Robert.

5. I think some gossip site talked about
Rob and Kristen as 'co-stars'
and for some reason...
That really brought out the foaming.
Hate to break it to you...
They ARE Co-stars.
And what happens when every other media source
calls them an 'on and off screen' couple?
What do you do then?
HOWL at the moon in agony?
Choke on your bitter foam?
 Deny and Lie.
That's what you do best.

Notice Rob's bodyguard in the background? Waiting until she is out of frame?

6. Speaking of lies.
So I was kinda waiting for the rabid attack.
I mean...
I did kinda mention someone in passing.
But see...
When Hyenas don't like what you have to say
They make it PERSONAL.
It's what they do.
They whine and whimper if someone pokes fun at them...
'how dare you make fun of my picture!'
But have no qualms about bringing someone kids into play.
I remember not too long ago when someone made
horrific comments about a Nonst*n's children.
It was disgusting.
I never understood why someone would stoop that low
when it comes to whether or not you agree
on if Rob and Kristen are together.
What do anyones kids have to do with anything?
Why bring them into this argument?
How low can you go?
Obviously pretty damn low.

The only reason I'm even dignifying this with any type of response
is because my children were brought in to it...
and this isn't the first time they have sought to hurt me
by attacking my children.
And why?
Did I attack them personally?
Did I bring up their families?
All I did was give MY opinion on their opinion.
All I did was disagree with them.

Desperate Lies are DESPERATE.
I have NEVER said I loved Robert more than my family.
You can twist my words all you want...
but fucking leave my children OUT of your filthy mouth.
They aren't involved in this bullshit.
Call me all the names you want.
I give a shit.
But stay the fuck away from my kids.
I love Shaggy and Scrappy Do.
This is what happens when people lie and bring my kids into their lies.
I get a bit protective.

Let's recap.

Rob and Kristen got to Vancouver.
Rob didn't walk with Kristen.
The End is near.
They took separate cars
The End is near.
Someone called them co-stars
The End is near.
Rob wore a MTV jacket.
The End is near.
Taylor traveled with them (where was he?)
The End is near.
They went to a hotel.
The End is near.
They wore sunglasses.
The End is near.
They didn't smile.
The End is near.

Gnaw on this.
Rob and Kristen didn't go to separate hotels.
if you think they are staying at a hotel for the duration
of this shoot...
The rabies are more advanced than I realized.
It looks like Kristen had on a NEW necklace yesterday...
Valentines present perhaps?
(The day that Rob and Kristen spent TOGETHER)
Wonder what kind of significant meaning this one has.
I imagine Robert to be incredibly sweet and romantic...
Keep howling about your 'exit strategy'
and then keep falling back on your lame excuses
every time Rob and Kristen show up somewhere else together.
"PR! PR!"
You can hang on to that at least until 2013!
That's quite an EXIT strategy.
*cue maniacal laughter*

This post is brought to you by the letters *P* and *S*

P for Personal.
For people who claim to not 'care'
they go above and beyond to attack someone.
You always bark about it not being that serious...
Yet... that's exactly where you take it.
Thanks for showing everyone exactly
why you are Hyenas.

S for Sorry.
I'm sorry if I ranted a bit today.
Everyone has their limits...
Mine is when someone has the fucking nerve
to lie and bring my kids into it.
 S for
Rob and Kristen are SO together.
SO in love.
SO happy.

Bye for now

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