Friday, February 18, 2011

Rob and Kristen- Do You Believe in Magic?

Rob really pulls off the grey hoodie. SHOCK and AWE!

I have a lot of thoughts today.
Nothing new there...
Since I tend to overFUCKINGthink everything.

Sometimes I really want to be the kinder, gentler Rose...
Not so prickly and thorny.
Can I do it?
Is it possible?
Probably not.
At least not all the time...
and there will always be some people
who bug the living shit out of me
(living shit... how fucked up is that thought?)
So I will always feel the need to either 
respond to the inane foaming...
or bite my tongue.
I guess it depends on my mood on any given day.

Rob really pulls off a blue t-shirt, too... who knew??

I get a lot of emails.
A lot of DMs.
And no...
I'm not going to repost them here
(at least not today)
These emails ask me a lot of questions...
So here goes...

1. "Do you think that BecauseIam Tumblr acct really has inside info?"

Although I don't 'do' Tumblr... 
I have had this acct brought to my attention.
(and yeah, I know it's not spelled right.)
This person is stating their opinion.
Not always in a very nice way...
But then...
I'm not exactly sugar and spice
and everything nice.
But she is allowed to have one... isn't she?
Don't like what she has to say?
Don't read it.
Doesn't get much easier than that.
She says she is 'sent' things
and I know how that goes.
I'm 'sent' things all the time.
Are they for real?
Do I always believe them?
I will say this...
I have seen 'private' pictures
(yeah, they do exist)
that would make you 'believe' in Rob and Kristen.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Rob looks pretty fantastic with red flowers behind him... *GASP*

2. "Why do Rob and Kristen continue to be "cryptic" in their answers
in the whole are they/aren't they debate?

I think they have gotten long past cryptic.
They just don't discuss it.
At all.
Kristen is right...
She answers one question
and then there will just be another. And another.
I honestly don't believe they are trying to fan any flames...
They don't WANT to talk about their relationship.
They shouldn't have to.
I think it's a personal choice.
One that they both obviously agree on.
If there wasn't a relationship TO discuss...
Why go to all the trouble to avoid it?
To me...
It's not a debate.
It doesn't need constant validation.
It just IS.

Here's a surprise! Rob looks good in brown!

3. Why does the fandom seem to know about supposed 
"lovers rendezvous " months in advance?

Some insider knowledge.
But mostly common sense.
Rob was in Budapest filming...
It was logical for Kristen to show up there.
Kristen was filming in Montreal...
Common sense tells me that Rob will show up.
And guess what?
It's like me saying that Rob will spend Kristen's birthday with her this year.
I think he will.
It's not "PR"
It's just logical deduction
Robert and Kristen
have spent the last 3 of Kristen's birthdays together...
So what are the odds that they will be together for the next one?
I'm willing to place that bet...

Rob always looks fanfuckingtastic with a cig hanging out of his mouth.

4. "Why do you ship Robsten SO hard?"

I don't ship it.
It's not like I went into this fandom
Rob and Kristen to be together.
In fact...
Back in the latter months of 2008
(Fuck me... has it been that long?)
I was enamored of Robert Pattinson...
But still wasn't sure who/what Kristen Stewart was about.
And you know what else?
I was JEALOUS of her.
I was.
(OK... a small piece of me still is... like DUH)
Here this girl was...
Getting all up close and personal
with this wonderfully handsome
intelligent, witty, gorgeous, sweet adorable guy.
(And he was shamelessly flirting with her)
And I was inclined to be a bit envious of that.
But I never thought
A break. Give me one.
I just watched it unfold before my eyes.
I didn't NEED it.
I didn't WANT it.
I didn't pray to the Twilight Gods to let it be so.
It just WAS.
I watched Rob and Kristen get closer and closer.
I knew they were flirty...
But it probably wasn't until the VF shoot
(and oh god... the video)
That I thought... OH OH
We got a little sumthin sumthin going on.
It escalated from there.
And then they started showing up everywhere together.
On their own time.
Time they could spend with any one they wanted to...
It was always each other.
And it still is.
Over 2 years later.
THAT'S why I think they are together.

So no...
I don't SHIP anything.
I just BELIEVE in what I see.
Lookie here! Rob looks GREAT with Kristen!
Final thoughts?

Is there ever a final thought?
I can only wish...

1. There is always going to be two sides of this fandom.
Those who believe.
Those who don't.
I think my points are valid...
They think theirs are...

I want to say...
But I do draw the line at personal attacks...
and constant bitter trashing of Kristen Stewart
and/or Robert Pattinson.
I happen to like both of these people.
A lot.
You don't have to.
That's cool.
But if you are a fan...
Don't you just want Robert to be happy?
And/Or Kristen?
Together or apart.

At the end of the day...
It's really not THAT serious.

It really does make you feel better.

This post is brought to you by the letter *T*


Did you really think I would forget??

Tom looks good with ducks?

Yes folks.
That damnable hat.
And the duckie/flower 'jumper'.

Why is it called a jumper?
I mean...
I don't really get 'sweater' either...
as in sweat?
No matter how you look at it...
Tom is ALL kinds of cute.

Bye for now

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