Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Random Rose and Rob and Kristen.

I purposely stayed away from stuff yesterday.
The foam was everywhere...
And it was DEEP
Sometimes it's just good to step back and watch from afar...
You know?

Random Thoughts.

1. I had a dream about Rob and Kristen last night.
Well... several dreams.
Kristen was so sweet and kind...
She was thoughtful and caring
Always wanting to believe the best out of people.
And above all else...
She had a deep love for Robert Pattinson.
Soul mate forever and ever deep.
And Robert?
In this dream...
All he could talk about was Kristen.
Everything she said
Everything she did
Only served to make him love her more.
Fiercely in love.
He will do anything to protect her.
He will do anything FOR her.
We were sitting in a pub in my dream...
And wherever Kristen went...
Rob would either follow
He would be watching for her.
No one else mattered.
No one else.
Just Kristen.
Always Kristen.

In another dream...
Rob and Kristen were just so happy together.
So natural.
When there were no cameras to intrude...
No people staring...
They could be themselves.
Two people who love each other.
Two people who can't get enough of each other.
Two people who are willing to do
whatever it takes...
To make it work.
To be together.
No matter what.

Nice dreams, huh?
(Is this where I smirk?)

02 2

I have dreams about Tom too...
Of course.
I guess my 'fantasy' of hanging out with him and Rob
always must be in my subconscious somewhere.
Because we are always doing just that.
Tom makes me laugh a lot.
In fact...
He's kinda a brat in my dreams.
He likes to tease and have fun.
He's adorable.
Incredibly loyal.
And his friendships aren't for sale.

I love these dreams.

Will we see this again this weekend?
Kristen and Rob
In London.
At the Baftas.
Kristen should be there to present the award she won last year.
What an honor for her.
Will she be able to fit it in her schedule?
And Robert?
If he can be there with Kristen...
He will be.

After all...
It's Valentines Weekend.
In London.

Where you go...
I will follow.

That's just the way it seems to be.
Rob's in Budapest?
Oh look... there's Kristen!
Kristen's in Montreal?
And there is Rob!
Kristen's in New Orleans?
Rob takes a road trip there!

That won't be changing ANYtime soon...
No matter if Breaking Dawn is done filming
or not.

Seriously... she has 17 personalities...

Theres been a lot of shit on Twitter...
It's actually kinda ridiculous the lengths some people will go to.

1. Admit that you care.
Not just a little bit.
The whole 'We don't give a fuck' isn't working.
The novels that you have written prove otherwise.
I get that you want to think you are 'above' it all...
But you aren't fooling anyone.
People who don't care... don't behave the way you do.
I can admit I care.
I care about Rob and Kristen.
I want them to be happy.
I can admit it.
It's not that hard to do. 
(Go on... admit you're jealous! hahaha!)

2. You should be looking for the enemy within.
This is what happens when you let known lunatics
infiltrate your site and become known members.
You hang with crazy...
You have to deal with crazy.
You be crazy.

3. I have a 3 and probably a 4 and 5.
But I think I will stop here.
Sometimes I get too wordy.
It happens when I care about a topic.
See what I did there?

It's not that serious.
At least...
It shouldn't be.

Bye for now

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